

Publié le 02/12/2021

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God of fi re in the VEDA. Vedic HINDUISM—a form of Hinduism that scholars often suggestentered India from the northwest around 1500B.C.E.—centers upon performing SACRIFICES. Asa result, the fi re into which sacrifi ces are madeassumes tremendous importance. It is worshippedas the god Agni. In the sacrifi cial grounds threefi res represent Agni in the three levels of the universe:HEAVEN, atmosphere, and earth.As the "oblation-eater" (the one who devourssacrifi ces) Agni is the divine equivalent to thepriest. He is responsible for purifying the gifts ofhuman beings and bearing them to the gods. Healso brings the blessings of the gods to humanbeings. In the sacred collection of hymns knownas the Rig-veda, he is praised more than any godbut INDRA.