a boy's journey
Publié le 22/05/2020
Extrait du document
A boy’s journey
This document is an extract from a novel autobiographical which was written by Seymour
Rechtzeit who was born is 1912 in Poland.
It is entitled “A boy’s Journey”.
Rechtzeit was born in a Jewish family in Lodz , Poland in 1912.
He was gifted, in fact, he has
a true musical talent.
When he was in Poland, his native country, his expectations for a better
living conditions were reduced that why his family suggered him to leave Lodz and to come
to America, to live his American dream and have a better opportunities for his future.
to his uncle who allready live in America, his father and him go to join him.
Their goals are to
work in order to (can) afford to bring the rest of his family from Poland and to be reunited in
Promised Land .
The conditions into the ship was miserable, the l ack of hygiène , of privacy
made this trip awful for them.
Seymour was ill and look forward to arriving in the dream
world , to fulfil his dream.
But h e dreaded to fail the medical examination to enter the country.
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