Catégorie : Langues
Article en anglais - artificial intelligence
Opinion editorial Friday 20th May 2022 The sporting scene Invasion of the Robot Umpires p.5 Under review Daily cartoon The Problem with Blaming Robots for Taking Our Jobs p.3 Daily Cartoon: Friday, May 22nd p.8 Daily shouts Robot-Themed Movie Ideas for Our Robot-Dominated Future p.12 5 Myths about p.7 robots While many myths claim that AI will cause the downfall of humanity, the reality is that artificial intelligence will have a positive impact o...
Oral AMC : How does social media impact American society ?
MEDIA INFLUENCE Today, the media is associated with our daily life and impacts our society in many ways. There are different types of media such as radio, TV or social media. They are called “Mass Media”. It means they seek to reach a large audience via mass communication. They play an important role in shaping public opinion thanks to their communication and information tools. We will focus on this influence in the United States. Thus, we can wonder : how does social media impact Americ...
dossier euro all
Hallo! Ich werde mich vorstellen. Ich heiß Louis Poplavsky-Mayor. Ich studiere in dem Jeanne d’Arc Gymnasium. Ich lerne Deutsch seit fast 8 Jahren. Ich war in zehnte und elfte in Abibac. Und ich bin in mein letztes Jahr in Deutsch-Euroklasse gegangen. In der Tat muss ich also ein Programm für Euro und DNL präsentieren. Ich werde euch verschiedene Themen meines Lebens erzählen, die eine Verbindung mit Deutschland oder der deutschen Kultur haben. Mein Programm: - Meine deutsche Austaus...
ciudades inteligentes
Ciudades inteligentes en Latinoamérica a. Identifica 3 o 4 ciudades inteligentes: nombre, país, número de habitantes. Hay la ciudad de Bogotà en Colombia que cuenta 9 853 338 habitantes. Hay la ciudad de Medellin en Colombia también que cuenta 3 499 080 habitantes. Hay la ciudad de México en Mexico que cuenta 20 116 842 habitantes. b. Fijándote en los indicadores, apunta 3 o 4 criterios para ser una ciudad inteligente. - Tener medidos de transporte los màs respetuosos del med...
violence suffered by women
Speech against violence suffered by women Today, it’s very important for me to be speaking about a cause which is particulary close to my heart : the combating violence against women. The violence suffered by women constitute one of the most prevalent violations of human's rights in the world. In France, more than 200 000 women suffer gender-based and sexual violence. Feminicide is the extreme form of this violence. As Benoite Groult a feminist activist said “Feminism has never killed an...
Oral d'anglais sur la condition des femmes dans les années 50 et 60
First i’m going to present you the women’s conditions during the 50’s and 60’s, than i’m going to illustrate with the example of advertising, and i will finally talk about Simone de Beauvoir, who was an important feature of feminism at that time. - Women in the 50’s-60’s Women used to be treated as if they were not even humans. They were USED as cooks and mothers. Society was built based on a hierarchy where women were at the very bottom. It was like women did not deserved to have a...
Sujets épreuve d'EURO pour le BAC, Lycée (Ocean Acidification, Global Warming, Jeans): Why is ocean acidification problematic ?
Why is ocean acidification problematic? Introduction: Nowadays, the question of global warming and its consequences on the planet are increasingly raised. This is particularly due to the fact that there are more and more natural phenomena caused by global warming that can be seen on our scale. But what about phenomena that we do not see? Today I am going to talk to you about ocean acidification. It is a consequence of global warming, and few people are aware of this phenomenon. So I'm go...
New York, a global city
DNL ANGLAIS NEW YORK, A GLOBAL CITY The Big Apple Corner, at Broadway and 54th Street in Manhattan. First of all, this document is a picture of the famous Big Apple Corner, the southwest corner of West 54th Street and Broadway, on which John J. Fitz Gerald lived from 1934 to 1963. This place refers to the famous nickname given to New York City, « The Big Apple » In fact, if someone mentions The Big Apple, you immediately know that they are talking about this global power city. But,...
Lettre de motivation - Object : Cover letter (LLCER)
Applicant number: 737534 Sorbonne Université Lettres, Arts, Langues, Sciences Humaines et Sociales Paris 5e Object : Cover letter (LLCER) I am hereby writing you to formally apply for the LLCER English Health Access program at Sorbonne University. Currently in my 12th year, with specialisations in AMC and mathematics, I am currently considering where to pursue my further education, and I am particularly attracted to the quality of teaching on offer at in your university, due to my...
essay anglais: In my opinion, the improvement of human capacities poses several problems
Topic 3: In my opinion, the improvement of human capacities poses several problems. We can distinguish two types of improvements: improvements of the body and of the mind. On the one of the body, I am of the opinion that it is necessary for those to whom the life takes away capacities such as walking the progress of medicine must help them to find a normal life. On the other hand, to increase our capacities, for example by replacing our muscles with artificial organs, would harm humani...
Histoire à partir d'une photo de Dorothea Lange - Anglais
Dear diary, Today was one of the most trying days I had experienced in several months. I had the opportunity to face the reality behind the "American Dream". When I woke up, around 9am, I immediately had the feeling that this day was going to be special, different from the others and especially that it was going to change my vision of things. Obviously, without knowing what I was going to do, otherwise it wouldn't be fun. After drinking my coffee, I put on my pants and my linen shirt, as...
Arctic communities Anglais euro
Anglais Euro présentation Arctic communities I : Résumer des articles II : Causes et Conséquences sur les Arctic communities III : Actions/Aide proposé par les articles II : Le changement climatique et l’urbanisation de l’espace arctique sont à l’origine de nombreux problèmes sur les peuples de l’Arctique. Entre la fonte de la banquise, la hausse du niveau des mers qui entraine une importante érosion côtière, de nombreuses espèces sont voué à disparaitre ou à migrer, les stocks de ressou...
Oral anglais Master and servants
First scene (In the kitchen) Intro: The scene is set in the summer in a castle called Beauvon Castle in Manchester. The main scene in this act takes place in the castle kitchen where two maids are chatting in the kitchen. Asha+ Gabrielle - ( on their phones sneering) Campbell-Hello ladies. Oh no! Here we go again, you are still on your phones. I'm warning you today, I want you to work, I've invited a lot of guests, so you have a lot of dishes to prepare and rooms to clean. I've given yo...
dialogue anglais
DIALOGUE FINAL ANGLAIS A : Good morning, mister Laroche. M : Good morning, Miss. What can I do for you ? A : I would like to present you one of my paintings. I know your museum is dedicated to invisible art. I’m familiar with your Mona’s concept. But I hope you will appreciate my painting. M : Anyway, I am open minded as long as you surprise me. Let me see it. A : So here’s my painting. M : Let me see... It’s very...visible A : Isn’t it ? Is it too much ? M : I wouldn’t say so. Let’s...
Thomas Hart Benton
ANGLAIS : Thomas Hart Benton, was born on the fifteenth of April eighteen eightynine in Neosho and died on the nineteenth of January nineteen seventy five in Kansas City. He was an American painter known for his fluid style and his paintings depicting scenes of everyday Midwestern life. He was one of the most popular of the regionalist art movement. This movement began in the 1930s in response to the Great Depression and ended in the 1940s due to the end of World War II. This painter was...
Oral de LLCE Anglais - Portfolio
On average in England, women earn 15.5% less than men. Gender inequality and the emancipation of women is one of the major problems of the 21st century and of mankind in general. Our society has strong prejudices against women, and this is a major obstacle to the evolution of their rights. Then, To what extent are women trapped by the stereotypes of our society, how can they emancipate themselves from them and is there an evolution over time? To answer this problem we will rely on five docu...
La pandemie en Amerique Latine
1 LA PANDEMIA DEL COVID-19 EN AMÉRICA LATINA Felipe Pocovi 18 abril 2021 Ha pasado un año desde que se confirmó el primer caso de Covid-19. Un mes después, se implementó la cuarentena, cerrando escuelas y tiendas. Horriblemente, el número de muertes por Covid-19 superó las 600.000 a finales de enero de 2021. Asimismo, la pandemia Covid-19 provocó una caída del 8,1% del PIB y una caída del 5,3% de la economía en Latinoamérica, superando la crisis de la Unión Europea. Latinoamérica...
Discours oral d'anglais sur le bégayement
Imagine that one day you are talking with someone, a group of friends, work colleagues or family members. Everyone is talking, some are telling stories, others are making jokes. In short, a peaceful and joyful atmosphere. Then you decide to speak up, to join in the conversation and the drama begins. Some of your friends imitate you and repeat your words with a stammer. Everyone laughs, mocks for a few seconds, and then goes back to talking. But what about you? You are embarrassed, hurt, ash...
Exposé Bona Dea et Fortuna option Latin Lycée
Bona Dea et Fortuna, déesses romaines
Les points de vue
Collège de la Sagesse Beyrouth Cycle secondaire LE POINT DE VUE OU FOCALISATION Le point de vue est la place qu’adopte le narrateur pour raconter l’histoire. Il existe trois points de vue différents. 1. LE POINT DE VUE OMNISCIENT OU FOCALISATION ZERO Le narrateur connaît tout de l’histoire, des personnages (il connaît leur passé et même parfois leur futur), des décors, des dates. Il connaît les pensées, la façon d’agir, les moindres faits et gestes de ses personnages. C’est le point...