Catégorie : Langues
Advantages et desadvantages de la UE
List of Advantages of the European Union Est-ce que la France doit quitter la UE ? Qu’est qu’on gagne en quittant la UE ? 1. Freedom of movement. Citizens of all member states are free to move from one member country to another. They can travel, study, work or live in any EU state of their choice. If they choose to move within the Schengen Area, which comprises 26 European countries, they can do away with using a passport, visa or other travel requirements. This is because the Schengen...
the protest song anglais texte
Protest music has existed for centuries. When a movement for cultural or political social change develops, protest songs may appear. They are music of resistance used in politics that reflect the point of view of musicians on a particular subject, thus guiding movements by bringing people together and encouraging them to act or think. Can music have weight on governments? In order to answer the question we will first see how the protest songs were created, then their political foctions and...
Linguistique - Le signe linguistique
C’est le terme introduit par F. de Saussure pour désigner l’unité (généralement appelée mot) qui se combine à d’autres et forment ensemble la langue. Saussure précise que le signe linguistique est une entité psychique à deux faces indissociables : - Le signifiant : C’est le symbole graphique ou l’image acoustique, c’est-àdire la suite de phonèmes qui constituent l’aspect matériel du signe. Le signifié : C’est le concept ou l’idée que représente le signe. Le signifiant et le signifié so...
Les chansons de protestation en amérique
La musique de protestation existe depuis des siècles. Lorsqu'un mouvement pour obtenir des changements sociaux culturel ou politique se développent, des chants de protestation peuvent apparaître. Ce sont des musiques de résistance utilisées en politique qui reflètent le point de vue des musiciens sur un sujet particulier, cela guide ainsi les mouvements en rassemblant les gens et en les incitant à agir ou à réfléchir. Can music have weight on governments? Afin de répondre à la question nou...
anglais by the river side by Kate Chopin
What we have here is an excerpt from the short story « A Shameful Affair » entitled « by the river side », written by Kate Chopin in 1891. Kate Chopin is an American writer who is known as one of the first feminist writer. The story is about Mildred, a rich girl, who met a young farmhand by the river side. They belong to different social classes, but still find interest in each other. The two of them were spending time fishing along the river, when the young man kissed Mildred. To what exte...
Hans und Sophie Scholl
Hans und Sophie Scholl ─ Plan: 1) die Einleitung Unter dem Namen Weiße Rose bildeten zwei Münchner Studenten ab dem Frühjahr 1942 eine Widerstandsgruppe gegen das NS-Regime. Sie hießen Hans Scholl und Alexander Schmorell. Zu ihnen gesellte sich Sophie Scholl, eine der Säulen des Netzwerks. Hier ist ihre Geschichte a) Die Anfänge des Widerstandes Der 14-jährige Schüler Hans Scholl war anfangs nicht gleichgültig gegenüber Hitlers Reden. Wie alle jungen Deutschen in seinem Alter engag...
the right to bear arms
what seems to be an obvious statement by the national rifle association is in fact a provocative catchphrase. Its members have long stood by the mantra that the wide availability of firearms bears no relationship to the high death toll from gun injuries. They claim that lawful gun possession should not be held responsible for the failure of public authorities to prevent crime. The NRA's uncompromising stance stems from a belief that easy access to guns makes a society safer. Taking them aw...
Special Relatioonship between US and GB
III/ BRITISH- AMERICAN RELATIONS SINCE 1990: A « SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP » ? Here’s what Churchill said about the “special relationship”: British Prime Minister Winston Churchill delivering the speech that popularized the term 'special relationship' at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri, where he received an honorary degree on Mar. 5, 1946 “… Neither the sure prevention of war, nor the continuous rise of world organization will be gained without what I have called the fraternal...
Le bilinguisme dans l’enseignement en Haïti le cas de l’enseignement supérieur.
Le bilinguisme dans l’enseignement en Haïti le cas de l’enseignement supérieur. Plan du travail Introduction 1. Problématique 2. Définition des concepts clés a) Bilinguisme b) Enseignement c) Diglossie 3. Formulation de la question centrale de recherche 4. Formulation de l’hypothèse de recherche 5. Objectif Conclusion partielle Introduction Ce travail se penche sur le bilinguisme, mais dans un pays avec une particularité qui n’est pas commune avec d’autres. M...
Exemple d'un sujet d'oral de bac de LLCE
“Silence becomes cowardice when occasion demands speaking out the whole truth and acting accordingly”. - Mahatma Gandhi Art is a universal means of battling and report atrocities and injustices committed in the world. In all its forms, art enable to communicate and express these emotions to make it a weapon of protest that can become the beginning of realization. To understand that we will study an extract from "V for Vendetta" by Alan Moore (1982), the song from “Sleep now in the fire” by...
Hanif Kureishi - The Buddha of Suburbia
Historical Context of The Buddha of Suburbia The 1970s were a decade of change worldwide. Many former colonies of Britain had obtained independence in the 20 years previous, and the 1960s brought social change in the form of drugs,legalization of abortion in the UK trr1967, and the ideas of free [ove, peace, and sexual permissiveness as espoused by the hippies. These ideas of the 1960s permeate the beginning of the novel but soon give way to the economic recessions and social discontent th...
Black Lives Matter
Trayvon Martin -On February 26th, 2012, Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old African American high school student was shot and killed by George Zimmerman, a 28-year-old man at Stanford, Florida, United States. -Zimmerman was the neighborhood watch coordinator for a gated community -He spotted Martin walking about the neighborhood at around 7pm in the evening -He notified the police about Martins suspicious activity -Then he approached Martin when an altercation broke out -Zimmerman eventually...
L`argent et l`esprit sale
Schmutz und Geld In unseren Leben ist Schmutz allgegenwärtig. Unter den Fingernägeln, auf dem Boden, Auf der Strasse. Doch auch die moralische Ebene ist nicht zu vernachlässigen. Die tausend Ungerechtigkeiten, mit denen wir jeden Tag direkt oder indirekt konfrontiert werden, stechen einem genauso ins Auge wie ein schmutziger Löffel in einem Restaurant und löst ebenso eine Mischung aus Ekel, Empörung und Wut aus. Wofür es natürlich einen gewissen Gerechtigkeitssinn braucht.Im Fach Geograph...
does the end justifies the means
DOES THE END JUSTIFY THE MEANS? 1er5 Before answering this question we need to define what it means, the end justifies the means is used to say that a desired result can be so good that any method, even a morally bad one may be used to achieve it. Yes the end can justify the means as long as the means used are symmetrically equals to the goal, if you use bad means to achieve a great goal the means have to justify the end by symmetrically equal to the goal. For me any evil action acti...
lecture linéaire candide ou l'optimisme: l’idée du philosophe allemand Leibniz, selon laquelle tout est pour le mieux dans le meilleur des mondes possible
Lecture Linéaire “Candide ou l’optimisme”, Voltaire Introduction: Ce texte est extrait de Candide ou l’Optimisme, un conte philosophique écrit par Voltaire en 1759. Il a pour but de critiquer et ridiculiser l’idée du philosophe allemand Leibniz, selon laquelle tout est pour le mieux dans le meilleur des mondes possible. A travers le contraste entre le discours savant et le simplisme et l’illogisme de Pangloss, Voltaire montre la faiblesse de cette pensée en faisant rire le lecteur. Les més...
Projet historique espagnol: Guide touristique du musée d’Anne Frank
Guide touristique du musée d’Anne Frank La vida de Ana Frank Ana Frank nació en Fráncfort del Meno. Las cosas no van bien en Alemania: hay poco trabajo y mucha pobreza. Al mismo tiempo, Adolf Hitler obtiene más y más seguidores con su partido. Hitler odia a los judíos y los culpa de todos los problemas en el país.Debido a este odio a los judíos y la mala situación económica, los padres de Ana, Otto y Edith Frank deciden mudarse a Ámsterdam. El 1 de septiembre de 1939, Ana tiene en ese mome...
Biographie Martin Luther King
Early years : Born as Michael King Jr. on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta , Georgia , Martin Luther King Jr. was the middle child of Michael King Sr. and Alberta Williams King. Growing up in Atlanta, Georgia, Martin Luther King Jr. entered public school at age 5. In May, 1936 he was baptized, but the event made little impression on him. In May, 1941, Martin was 12 years old when is grandmother, Jennie, died of a heart attack. The event was traumatic for Martin, more so because he was out watch...
the handmaid's tale: How far do you agree that Margaret Atwood makes resistance central to THT?
How far do you agree that Margaret Atwood makes resistance central to THT? I - Atwood demonstrates that resistance is a source of hope II - However, Atwood shows that resistance, particularly active resistance, succumbs to the ??? Firstly, Offred is quite passive : Examples Indeed, it is why she lives vicariously through other characters as seen before. However, even then, they lose their will to resist or it leads them to their downfall. Firstly, Moira is the free-spirited and rebel...
Exposé sur Eminem
I am Anaëlle, a year 13 student at the school Hilaire de Chardonnet at Chalon sur Saône. I write this letter because I think you should add an essential person to the Hip Hop Hall of fame Museum. Indeed, this rapper that I am going to present in a second part is someone important on the Hip Hop world because this person is really influencing, and an example for everybody. So, I think you know him, Eminem, from his real name Marshall Bruce Mathers. He was born on a poor area of Detroit, on...
Thématique : expression et construction de soi.
Thématique : expression et construction de soi. The tragic genre is one of the most important in the history of literature as it has always existed ever since literature was created. George Steiner, a professor of the university of Cambridge stated in his book « Tolstoy or Dostoyevsky » that there were 3 steps in literature’s history. 1st one = Greek tragedy | 2nd one = Shakespearian tragedy | (3rd one= Russian novel) This particular quote from an eminent intellectual enlighten the fact th...