Catégorie : Langues
change the world: To Make the World a Better Place
To Make the World a Better Place Write about what you can do to make the world a better place. I am a teenager. I am still a student. I do not make government policies. I do not have any influence in the world. Yet, I am convinced that I can make a difference in this world. I am convinced that I can do many things to make this world a better place. To start with, I must begin with myself. I can do simple things such as picking up litter when I see it and not littering the environment m...
Biographie Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson was born near the British colony of Virginia on April 13, 1743. His parents, Peter Jefferson I (1708-1757) and Jane Randolph (1720-1776), were members of prominent families who had lived in the area for several generations. Thomas Jefferson was the first son of a family of ten children. He lost his father at the age of 14. Thomas Jefferson was a man of science and multilingualism, he had a passion for many disciplines, from geometry and mathematics to mechanics and horticu...
Generaciones Z y Y
1) La generación Z y Y prez general Z La Generación Z, conocida como Zoomers, es la cohorte demográfica que sucede a la Generación Y y la anterior a la Generación Alfa. Los investigadores y los medias de comunicación populares utilizan mediados y finales de la década de 1990 como años de nacimiento iniciales y principios de la década de 2010 como años de nacimiento finales. Los adolescentes de la Generación Z están más preocupados que las generaciones anteriores por los logros académicos...
THEME : LA TRAHISON DANS UNE SI LOGUE LETTRE de Mariama BA PLAN Introduction A. L’auteur B. Résume de l’oeuvre C. La douloureuse trahison de Modou Fall D. La trahison de Samba Diack envers Jacqueline E. La trahison de Binetou envers son amie Daba Conclusion. Classe : 3ième A Professeur M. CISSOKHO Année scolaire : 2022 – 2023 Introduction Certains écrivains emploient leur plume et leur inspiration au service de la lutte contre tout ce qui défavorise la femme dans la s...
Nachkriegszeit in Deutschland - Von der Stunde Null zum Wiederaufbau hin zu den Jahren des (wirtschaftlichen) Aufschwungs
Von der Stunde Null zum Wiederaufbau hin zu den Jahren des (wirtschaftlichen) Aufschwungs Situation Deutschlands direkt nach dem Krieg: - Kriegsende 1945: alles ist zerstört, Menschen hatten nichts mehr Das Deutsche Reich ist von den Alliierten umgebet und wird in vier Besatzungszonen geteilt: Sowjetunion, USA, Frankreich und Großbritannien. - Potsdamer Konferenz: 2.August 1945 Politische Kapitulation Deutschlands: neue Politik- und Wirtschaftssystem. - Entnazifizierung: G...
corrélations en espagnol
LES CORRÉLATIONS 1. Plus … plus / Moins…moins / Plus/Moins… meilleur(e)s / pire(s) ➔ Avec un verbe : Cuanto invariable Plus il court, plus il transpire Cuanto más corre, más suda. Moins il mange, plus il maigrit Cuanto menos come, más adelgaza. Plus je cherche, moins je trouve Cuanto más busco, menos encuentro. Moins je dors, moins je me repose. Cuanto menos duermo, menos descanso. ➔ Avec un verbe suivi d’un complément : Cuanto/a/os/as + más/menos + compl + verbe … más + adj ou ver...
Cli-fi story
Cli-fi story In a future not that far, the world has been destroyed by a catastrophic climate event (which was actually a lot of disasters combined like tsunamis, storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods and droughts), that left humanity on the verge of extinction. The survivors are very well hidden and hard to find, they tried to find places where resources were still there, like water, food or energy. Through all the chaos, technology has improved more and more to the point where robots be...
expose en anglais sur la tribu des sioux
The Sioux tribe The origin of the word “sioux” Hello, my name is Wakanda which means «Inner Magical Power» .I belong to the Sioux tribe.The word sioux comes from. “natowessiwak” which means “the people of the serpent river”.Indeed , the Mississippi crosses our territory. Later , it became the little snakes translated by Nadouessioux and later shortened in sioux . The Sioux are nicknamed the people of the 7 fires of the Council (Outi sakoyin oyate) Can you please describe the beginning Chu...
o eu singular
Curso: Letras Professora: LUCIANA ARRUDA Semestre: 1º / 2018 Disciplina: Introdução a Teoria da Literatura Aluna: Barbara Cristina Rocha Chagas Matrícula: 18/0061542 O ‘EU’ singular (Análise da obra Humilhados e Ofendidos, de Fiódor Dostoiévski) 1°/ 2018 Introdução: Sob uma perspectiva mais abrangente usarei a metáfora de um funil para dar início à análise dos aspectos da obra de Dostoiévski. Começando assim pelos elementos maiores, que aos poucos ajudaram na construção dos ele...
El crimen fue en Granada -Antonio Machado primera parte
REPASO : EL CRIMEN FUE EN GRANADA La ultima clase hemos estudiado el poema El crimen fue en Granada de Antonio Machado. Hemos dicho que desde el principio Machado nos dice de que va a hablar el poema, de Federico Garcia Lorca. Poe todos sus nombres porque para el Lorca es alguien importante, unico, y es asi que lo dedico el poema. I) El crimen v.1 « Se le vio » > habla de FGL que camina entre fusiles de soldados, quizas sean por el contexto fusiles de soldados nacionales, porque FGL fu...
litt anglaise oral le pouvoir de la musique
Oral anglais le pouvoir de la musique **Introduction:** Music, a universal language transcending boundaries, holds a profound influence on shaping individual and cultural identities. Its ability to evoke emotions, trigger memories, and foster social connections underscores its significance in defining who we are as individuals and members of communities. This raises the pivotal question: How does music exert its power in shaping and molding our identities? **Thesis Statement:** This oral...
High Schools in the United States
High Schools in the United States High schools in the United States include students who are in 9th through 12th grade (ages 14-18). Ninth grade students are called freshmen, tenth grade students are called sophomores, eleventh grade students are called juniors and twelfth grade students are called seniors. Before high school, students attend middle school or Junior High school, which is 5th through 8th grade (ages 10-14). Before middle school, students attend elementary school, which is ki...
LA REGIÓN DE LA COMUNIDAD AUTONOMA DI MURCIA Breve Introducción La Región de Murcia es una Comunidad Autónoma uniprovincial que tiene como capital la Ciudad de Murcia, la séptima ciudad más poblada de España y la mayor de las comunidades autónomas uniprovinciales de España en territorio. CATEDRAL DE MURCIA “Catedral de María” La Catedral de Murcia está situada en la plaza del Cardenal Belluga y es uno de los lugares emblemáticos del centro histórico de Murcia. Los primeros intento...
Article : Sur Dorothea lange « Migrant Mother » par la guide
Article : Sur Dorothea lange « Migrant Mother » par la guide Dear readers, it is finally today that I have designed an article by myself as a guide on Drorothea lange is particularly one of her photographs Dorothea Lange is an American photographer. She is who Witness of the Great Depression, she documents the effects of the crisis of 1929. In 1935, she was hired by the federal agencies developed by F. D. Roosevelt as part of the New Deal, then by the photographic section of the Far...
Hilda Hattie McDaniel
Hello, everyone! Today, I'm excited to talk about an extraordinary figure from the world of entertainment, Hattie McDaniel. Her story is not just about her acting career, but it's a story of breaking barriers and making history. Let's dive into her life and the impact she had." Hattie McDaniel was born in 1893 in Wichita, Kansas. She had a passion for acting from a young age and moved to Los Angeles to chase her dreams. She started as a singer and eventually transitioned into acting in th...
London Hello, I am going to talk about London. London is the capital and largest city of England and the United Kingdom. London is found in the south-east part of UK. It’s a big city with approximately 9 million inhabitants and it measure 1 572 km² (one thousand five hundred seventy-two square kilometres). London it’s a very touristic, modern, welcoming city. The British capital borders the Thames which flows into the North Sea. History London was created two thousand years ago by the R...
Kiffe kiffe demain
L’HUMOUR DANS KIFFE KIFFE DEMAIN Doria est une narratrice sarcastique et pleine d'esprit, qui utilise l'humour pour exprimer sa frustration face à la discrimination, la pauvreté et l'injustice sociale. Elle utilise souvent des expressions populaires et de l'argot pour ajouter de l'humour à ses observations. L'humour dans "Kiffe Kiffe Demain" n'est pas seulement présent pour faire rire le lecteur, mais aussi pour faire passer des messages plus profonds. Par exemple, Doria utilise l'humour...
devoir 1 espagnol
Votre texte passera automatiquement à la ligne pour laisser une marge au correcteur (Marge obligatoire sur chaque feuille, ne pas modifier). Commencez à saisir votre devoir ci-dessous : 1) COMPRÉHENSION ORALE Ce document est un reportage sur la pollution au Mexique de nos jours. Dans cette vidéo, on retrouve des prises de vues des routes et des différents moyens de transport que l’on peut utiliser au quotidien pour ainsi faire un geste pour la planète. Afin d’y remédier certains interve...
Bertolt Brecht et l'Exilliteratur
Bertolt Brecht wurde am 10. Februar 1898 in Augsburg, Bayern, geboren. Er ist einer der Vertreter der Exilliteratur, d. h. der Literatur von Autoren und Autorinnen, die ihr Land aus politischen oder religiösen Gründen verlassen mussten. Wir werden unsere Präsentation nach den folgenden Fragen organisieren: (lire les questions de la diapo 1) Wann verließ er seine Heimat? Aus welchem genauen Grund? Ab 1930 begannen die Nationalsozialisten, die Aufführungen von Brechts Theaterstücken zu verb...
LLCE Anglais Monde Contemporain My Portfolio
2023-2024 LLCE Anglais Monde Contemporain My Portfolio Theme: Representing the World Sub theme : The Gaining of Independence Topic: United States of America recognizes Cook Islands and Niue as independent states Issue: How does this new gained independence affect the international relationships between different world powers? Table of content: Page 1-2 US recognizes Cook Islands and Niue as independent states CNN September 25, 2023 Page 3 US President Joe Biden h...