Catégorie : Langues
Rosa park
ROSA PARK Before sitting in the bus the black riders in the South had to pay for the tiket, get off the bus and then reboard the bus at the back. They had to sit in the black section. If all the seats in the white section were filled up, the blacks riders had to give their seats to the white passengers. Sometimes it was impossible to reboard the bus because the bus had already gone. They couldn’t sit accross from a white passenger. Black riders must have been enraged against this public tra...
- The gothic
corrigé 2 cned
1-a. La afirmación es verdadera. “...periodistas o escritores cubanos que desde Cuba comunican clandestinamente sus artículos...”. b. La afirmación es falsa. “...comunican clandestinamente sus artículos por teléfono a unos voluntarios...”. 2- Según José Torres Iznaga, la crisis en Cuba se debe al “derrumbe del campo socialista”. 3- La respuesta falsa es la c. El dólar no se reparte de forma homogénea en la sociedad, habla el autor de “desigualdad en la...
Spazi e scambi: gli stereotipi Napuli · Risposte alle domande : 1) Il protagonista racconta che suo padre è siciliano, sua madre piemontese e che lui e sua sorella Alice sono nati in un paesino della pianura piemontese. 2) Il narratore spiega che veniva soprannominato napuli dagli altri bambini del paese perché ogni bambino era figlio del mestiere del padre, ad esempio il figlio del macellaio é chiamato maslé , il figlio del post...
Michael Jackson
ننننن ننننن ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?ن? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? .? ? ? ? ? ? ?1964 . ? ?...
Analiza y comenta la actitud de Kate y de Alexander y di en que se oponen.
En el texto tenemos dos personajes Kate y Alexander Cold que sobrevuelan por un avión el norte del Brasil. Y se puede ver que esta region, seguramente la mas importante del mundo para su reserva en oxigen es destruida debido al progreso y que su pueblo es expulsado. El documento muestra dos puntos de vista que se oponen. Por un lado, Alexander dice que esas indígenas permaneciendo en el bosque son en retraso de desarrollo pero por un otro lado Kate le defienden porque no le gustaba esta mala ide...
Edward Heath
Ladies and gentlemen, I am speaking to you today in order to honor Sir Winston Churchill for everything he did for us, for our country. Unluckily this brave and strong-willed man is not among us anymore to celebrate the entrance of our United Kingdom into the European Economic Community. It has now been over two months that Europe accepted our candidacy. It has been a long and rough fight… which we won in the end. Even if WE won the fight, it is well and truly thanks to Sir Wins...
I professori antifascisti furono inesorabilmente eliminati e nel 1936 De Vecchi sollevò molti insegnanti. Nel 1935 divenne ministro dell’Educazione Nazionale De Vecchi, uno dei quadrumviri. Egli non aveva nulla in comune con il mondo della scuola e della cultura, ma portò in essa lo stile militarista del "vero fascismo" attraverso la cosiddetta "bonifica”. I professori anti...
1 / 2 New York is calm again after the tidal wave of last week. However, this disaster let lot of traces the level of damage but also psychologically. This is my case. I will tell you what I experienced. 2 / 2
español 1 CNED
Questions de compréhension 1. ¿Qui én es Jos é Manuel Torrecilla? Es el gerente de la Agencia Antidroga de la Comunidad Aut ónoma de Madrid. 2. ¿En qu é circunstancias ha dado su opini ón? Ha dado su opini ón durante una entrevista a un peri ódico espa ñol. 3. ¿Qu é consumo sigue aumentando en la Comunidad de Madrid? El consumo que sigue aumentando en Madrid es el de la coca ína. 4. ¿En qu é se basa Torrecilla para cifrar este aumento? Para cifrar el aumento del consumo de coca ína, ...
VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR 1 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. You can see the first letter of each word. / 6 0 What's your favourite TV channel? BBC World, it's very interesting. 1 My friend's a j_______________. He writes for The Times. 2 The Office is a great c_______________ series. It's very funny. 3 What's on TV tonight? I don't know. Look in the TV g_______________. 4 Which search e________...
My superheroin
Wednesday, April 21. New York. Dear Mrs. Janett, Having worked for Marvel Comics for 5 years, I decided to resign in order to begin a new life. Indeed, these years spent in this company didn't allow myself to feel better and to develop my skills. That's why I'm addressing in you to help me to enjoy myself in the field of the comics and especially the superheroes. I am 27 and I live in New York. My name is Peter S. Parker Smith. I think that by publishing my creations in your online encyclopedi...
Al andalus
Intro: Qué es Al Ándalus? Al Ándalus era el nombre de todo el territorio de España dominado por los moros en el año 711 y que terminó en 1492. Córdoba fue sucapital política militaría y cultural. Sus fronteras cambiaban cada vez que se extendaba la Reconquista. La reconquista duró ocho siglos, es decir, toda la Edad Media: del siglo 8 al siglo 16.Entonces, había diferentes dinastías musulmanes. Hubo los omeyas, los almohades y por fin los nazaríes. Cada dinastía tena su capital. I. La convivenci...
Noms : Dutruel, Awada Prénoms : Jules, Rayan Français Nous allons étudier un corpus de 5 textes dont les titres sont Jacques le fataliste et son maître de Diderot écrit en 1796 appartenant aux mouvement des Lumières, suivi de L’Ecume des jours de Boris Vian a son tour réalisé en 1947 qui est un comte merveilleux et moderne, nous aurons par la suite Bel-Ami de Maupassant publié en 1885 faisant donc partit du Naturalisme, L’étranger d’Albert Camus écrit pendant la seconde guerre...
1- LE SUBJONCTIF 1- Utilisation. L'indicatif indique un réalité objective. Le subjonctif exprime une attitude subjective. Ex. Paul n´est pas là. J´aimerais qu´il vienne. 2 - Formation DU SUBJONCTIF présent des verbes terminés en - er. Radical de la 3ème personne du pluriel du présent, + terminaisons du présent, sauf pour nous et vous qui se terminent par -ions, -iez. Il faut que je termin-...
anglais essaie
Every vacation you have the possibility of going somewhereand to discover knew places with your familly and your friends . So we can wonder what can make a trip unforgettable ? So first we will see why it is important to sare your trip with people that you love and then which activities can make a goodd trips. First the destination ,it is not the most important thing in your trip.Howerver if you go to an idylic destination it could contribute to spend a wonderful time.But i think the m...
Essay: " What have Fascism, Nazism and Stalinism in common?" The experience we carry into this promising new century is an experience of the rise and fall of totalitarianism of the 20th century. It was actually a century when ideologies of nationalism or communism, ideologies of hatred, conjoined with the technology of mass killing, brought about genocides which resulted in unimaginable human suffering. Three political regimes, which we have to know the dangers, distinguish fro...
- gustar
true love
Can computers deceive their creators? The short story "True Love" by Isaac Asimov is about a man called Milton Davidson that tries to find his true love by employing a computer. His computer is called Joe and can read, speak and write. To find the ideal girl for Milton he eliminates all bad points of the persons from the data bank and tries to find one with a good look. Milton meets the last eight of the women from the data bank, but he does not fall in love with one of them. He...
- 5 minutes talk