Catégorie : Langues
Don Quijote
Heroe : Coraje, con valores, lucha contra las injusticias, es un personaje que se distingue por sus acciones extraerdinaro. O es el protagoniste en el litterario, en la literatura. Antiheroe : Personaje que tiene caracteristicas contraraias a las del hero trradicional, normal, commun y corriente. EXPRESSIONS *D.Q queria pasarse la vida luchando contra las injusticias *Sancho Panza que era un campesino fragmatico, preferia pasarse el tiempo comiendo y durmiendo. *A.Q es un hidlago, un nob...
Les Essais
1 Essais
Nom :…SAIDI YAHAYA…………………………………… Prénom : ………NAWAF……………………………………… Adresse : …………................................................................... .............................................................. ………………………………………………………………………… . .………………………………………………………………………… A compléter en cas d’envoi postal Si envoi postal, coller ici l’étiquette code-barres correspondant à votre devoir Indicatif : 3-T505002643 Code classe (3 chiffres) : T50 Code matière (4 chiffres) : 81T5 N° du devoir...
1 Life in the tranches during the First World War 1914-1918 The First World War was the deadliest one. Although the technology had radically changed the nature of war in 1914, the armies had not anticipated the consequences of this change. The French and the German elaborated system of trenches facing along the front, protected by the barbed wire. The area bounded by opposing trenches (known as the no man's land) was subject to artillery fire from both sides. Soldiers had to protect themselv...
TIJUANA Tijuana es una ciudad mejicana en la frontera de Méjico y Estados Unidos. Con 1,6 (uno coma séis) millones de habitantes, es la ciudad más grande del estado mejicano de Baja California. Tijuana fue fondada el 11 (once) de Julio de 1889 (mil ochocientos ochenta y nueve). Al iniciar, en 1900 (mil novecientos), Tijuana era un pequeño poblado con tan solo 245 (doscientos cuarenta y cinco) habitantes. La única zona habitacional era el centro y la principal avenida era la calle Olvera...
Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks : She said NO While hardly one year ago (May 17 th ) the supreme Court decision « Brown et al. v. Board of Education of Topeka et al” declaring the racial segregation unconstitutional in the public schools was delivered, a new affair shakes again America. Indeed, Rosa Louise Mc Cauley, more collectively called Rosa Parks, made the news december 1st of this year in Montgomery, Alabama by refusing to give her place to a white person on the bus. In this December 1st, 1955, Rosa Pa...
Lugares y formas de poder En clase hablamos de lugares y formas de poder. El poder puede estar en todas partes pero bajo diferentes formas. En clase evocamos el poder de la memoria, el poder de los cuidadoras y el poder artístico. El poder en general representa la fuerza porque es el hecho de ejercitar una potencia o una autoridad sobre algo. Conocemos el poder politico de los políticos o el poder económico de los barcos pero vamos a hablar del poder artístico y del poder del pueblo. La lib...
Synthèse Mythes & Héros – Lucas Pierru TS4During this sequence, we studied the notion of Myth and heroes.
Synthèse Mythes & Héros – Lucas Pierru TS4 During this sequence, we studied the notion of Myth and heroes. A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition or a false notion. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achievements, a superhero or maybe a model or an icon. The documents that we studied in class were mainly speaking about heroes who started from nothing and became heroes because of their remark...
Kkk Attack the bus of freedom The Ku Klux Klan has attack a bus of freedom from birmingham in the night Othmane mouzhi in los angeles The world , Monday 15th May 1961 A bus of freedom from birmingham that contained black people and also white people. They were mixed (black people seated next to the white people) . The bus was going to birmingham . A night of , the bus of freedom drived quietly .But the bus met suddenly ,in front of there, a white light and a lot of smoke t...
Essay English : In Arthur Miller's play "All my sons", Joe Keller is a hero in his family and in the neighborhood even if he did some very awful things.
ENGLISH In Arthur Miller's play “All my sons�, Joe Keller is a hero in his family and in the neighborhood even if he did some very things. Joe is respected by his family because he is the man who let them have a very good and wealthy life. This is because Joe's company succeeded, and his family respect him for that. Firstly because Joe has a big lack of education because he comes from a poor world : “it is with the terrible concentration of the uneducated man�. So this upward mobility wa...
Life of Pi
Life Of Pi is a novel written by Yann Martel, published first in 2002 in Great Britain and later in 2010 by Walker Canongate. Life Of Pi was recently made into a movie during the autumn of 2012, by Ang Lee casting Suraj Sharma as Pi. The movie was a major success and allowed the book to take off becoming an international best seller, selling more than 12 million copies. Yann Martel is a Canadian writer who was born in June 1963, in Spain. He has won many awards for his novel Life Of Pi. Th...
Lettre aide
L Y C E E S A L B E R T L O N D R E S LYCEE GENERAL ET TECHNOLOGIQUE - LYCEE PROFESSIONNEL Bd du 8 mai 1945 - BP 310 - 03306 CUSSET cedex Tél. 04 70 97 25 25 Fax 04 70 97 64 84 Cusset, le 7 septembre 2015 Chers parents, En ce début d’année scolaire, nous souhaiterions vo us con...
oral anglais
My presentation will fall into two parts, first off all I will concentrate on the reasons that brought people to immigrate to the USA, then I will analyze the conditions off living there. To illustrate my presentation I've chosen 3 documents. I/ The reasons of immigration 2 documents: - Press article entitled ?remembrance of things past? written by Anastasia Toufexis in the American magazine Time in the 15th of December 1980: sophie decided to immigrate to usa to flee from Germany wher...
El Semana Santa
El Semana Santa El Semana santa es una fiesta que esta en Seville en Andalousia. La fiesta pas adurante una semana y es la semana anterior de Puesca y es el veintinueve de marzo a el cinco de abril. Empienza un domingo y termina un Sabado. Este fiesta es para los Cristianos y commemora la pasion de Cristo. Es compuesto de ceremonias liturgicas un avez de ano. La fiesta abre con un domingo de ramos donde se xelebra la entrada de Cristo a Jerusalem que marca el inicio de la pasion de Crist...
HATUEY Nombre : Hatuey Nacionalidad : Antillano Fecha de nacimiento : ne se sabe Fecha de muerte : el 12 de febrero de 1512 a Yara (en Cuba) Fue un cacique taïno de la isla Quisqueya que lucho contra los conquistadores españoles en esa isla (Actual Republica Dominicana y Haitì) y en Cuba. Llegò a Cuba despues de haber sido expulsado por españoles de su tierra natal Ayiti (nombre taïno de Hispaniola), en canoe con 400 de sus compatriotas en 1511. Allà, entrò en contacto con las diferent...
The name of the benevolt which has to help person during the disaster of haitie is Raphael Favreau. He is arrived on places 5 days after because the earthquake are so powerful (7.3 on the Richter schall). All the roads were destroyed. Raphael and his companions was stupefait of every these deaths, these casualty . There was almost no more a house. Everything was of molie, in ruin. Everybody was in streets. TEstimony of raphaele: were hurrying installed the first one aunts of help. Belles...
Bartholomeus Jeanne Renotte Axelle Travail de NL : Leuven 1 Leuven ligt in Vlaams Brabant in België, niet ver van Brussel – ongeveer op 25km. 2 Louvain-la-Neuve is de zusterstad met Leuven omdat ze veel met elkaar in gemeen hebben. 3 In Leuven is er een universiteit die katholiek en één van de oudste universiteiten is (1834). 4 De universiteit was verdeeld : in Leuven, de Nederlandse Universiteit in 1968 ; in Louvain-la-Neuve, de Franstalige Universiteit in 1970. 5 Een bibliotheek van de Univer...
the gothic
The Gothic The gothic movement appear in the United Kingdom during the 18 th century at the time of the Victorian era. The starting point was the emergence of an aesthetic value assigned to the remains of medieval architecture, with its evocation of feeling serious, dark, disturbing and mysterious. Appears highly of ruined fortresses, castles abandoned, old prisons, old monasteries, dark cathedrals and secret doors. The appeal of the Gothic takes the thrills it provides. It is a pleasure w...
Question raised : Is WSS exploring or exploding its canon R&J ?
Question raised : Is WSS exploring or exploding its canon R&J ? We have 2 documents : -> The canon : Romeo and Juliet (balcony scene) : 16 th Play by Shakespeare : british writer, Elizabethean theater, dramaturge Wrote plays (drama, tragedy, comedy) Huge influence on english language (ex : “love is blind”, “seen better days”...) Characters : Romeo Montague, Juliet Capulet, two wealthy families -> The fanfiction : West Side Story ("tonight tonight" scene) : 1950's Play by Arthur Laure...