Catégorie : Langues
Notion N1 ''Espaces et échanges''Présentation de
Notion N1 ''Espaces et échanges'' Présentation de la notion et de la problématique the notion im going to deal with is spaces and echanges, to begin with i'd lik to give a definition of the notion. An echange is an act of giving and reciving something elese in return. It could also be seen as a continue moovement or circulation. Their is different kind of echanges : media, people for example immigration, trade. Futhermore t his notion deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all...
SInce a century, aeronautics have knew a revolution: Indeed, the 20th century was the start of a great adventure… the beginning of french aviation industry. What were the principal steps and planes who have marked that time and in which context ( commercial,army…) ? To ask to this question, first and foremost, we will focus on commercial planes and more precisely the Airbus A380 and the Concorde and secondly we’ll focus on the military aspect of the french aviation and one of the flagship of...
oral anglais
MYTHS AND HEROES I'm going to talk about the notion of Myths & Heroes. First of all I would like to give a short definition of this notion: M&H representthe cultural and moral foundation of a community. They construct a symbolical Story that make sense of world and guides people, and at National level: they mark public space and time with monuments and rituals. What are various vision of past? What place is granted to the History in our society? The Doc. of «looking for Lenine» shows these p...
mythe et hero
ESPAGNOL UN MITO : es una narración que relaciona hechos imaginarios no registrados por la historia, transmitidos por la tradición y que presentan seres que representan simbólicamente fuerzas físicas, generalidades de un orden filosófico, metafísico o social. UN Héroe : es un Ser fabuloso, en su mayoría de origen semidivino, mitad humano, divinizado después de su muerte. un personaje lege...
dev es 1
A. Compréhension orale ( /20 points) “Los madrileños disfrutan de Madrid Río” – p. 14 du manuel numérique Juntos Mira la foto y lee el apartado RECURSOS de la página 14. Ahora, escucha tres veces la grabación y redacta en francés todo lo que has entendido. Te ayudarán las pistas siguientes: – Tipo de docum ento y tema. – Explica en qué consiste el proyecto. – Las cifras te ayudarán a entender la envergadura (envergure) del proyecto. Le document présenté est un reportage...
MYTHS AND HEROESI'm going to talk you about the notion Myth and heros.
MYTHS AND HEROES I'm going to talk you about the notion Myth and heros. I would like to define the notion. Firstly a myth can be defined as a story about gods or heros, it can be a popular belief or a tradition or a false notion. A hero can be a mythilogical figure, a person where is admired for his or her achievements. But how can an ordinary person make the world a better place? We studied a mural of Usain Bolt, a Jamaican sprinter made by James Cochran also know as J...
Praca w ośrodku socjoterapeutycznym
Praca w ośrodku socjoterapeutycznym Ten rozdział niniejszej pracy jest próbą opisu mojego doświadczenia prowadzenia warsztatów teatralnych w placówce socjoterapeutycznej. To, co postaram się ubrać w słowa, to nie tylko refleksja odnośnie mojej pracy, ale także relacja z bardzo dynamicznego i absorbującego emocjonalnie spotkania z młodymi, zagubionymi ludźmi. Od razu po napisaniu poprzedniego zdania pojawiła mi się w głowie aut...
0 UNIVERSITE DE STRASB OURG : MASTER 1 DILF LES 11 mai 2010 Rédigé par : Guilhem CHENE Le geste en classe de langue étrangère Pré-projet de Recherche
nelson mandela
Pauline MICHEL 2nd9 Nelson Mandela Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was born in the former Bantustan, South Africa. His father was one of the leaders of the Xhosa ethnic group. After graduating from the Witwatersrand University in Johannesburg in 1942 with a law degree, he entered the ANC (African National Congress) which was then a moderate political party of the black bourgeoisie....
Devoir maison : écriture d'un cauchemar A winters’ night, after watching a horror movie, I went to bed. After a few minutes I fell asleep. Then suddenly during the night I heard footsteps approached, I opened my eyes and I got pale: I was in a room where there were lot of dolls around me. I took the candle that was on the nightstand and I put my feet into my shoes and I went down t o the living room. I was trying to turn on the lights but none wanted...
Anglais Horror
i dont remember much from my childhood, but what i do remember, i desperatly want to forget! Every time i think about it, i feel uneasy. Every night i have the same dream. the dream which will never leave. in the dream i am having a flashback to my past. i am running away from my old isolated house with my mother, something threatening is following us . I see over her shoulder that the door is ajar and i can hear heavy fast footsteps a short way behind us. i remember my mum. her normally calm de...
CommentairelittéraireMaylis de Kérengal, auteure
Commentaire littéraire Maylis de Kérengal, auteure née en 1967 à Toulon a d’abord commencé sa carrière dans l’édition en travaillant chez Gallimard puis en créant sa propre maison d’édition « le baron perchée », elle se voue aujourd’hui pleinement à l’écriture et a déjà écrit plus de 15 œuvres récompensée. En 2015, elle publie Réparer les vivants. Ce roman connaît un vif succès, reçoit dix prix littéraires, fait l’...
ENGLISH : IDEA OF PROGRESS :I’m going to present to you the notion Idea of progress.
ENGLISH : IDEA OF PROGRESS : I’m going to present to you the notion Idea of progress. An idea is a proposal, an opinion on something and where people debate on it to deliberate. It is often something constructive. Progress concerns a lot of domains which are, for example, social, technological a or medical. Progress is an idea of innovation and something which improve the life of everyone. It is also a change. So, my perspective is : “Is progress always positive” ? First, we wi...
“FREE THE FOUR” The movie is about the Guilford Four case, four young people, wrongly convicted to jail, for having planted bombs in a pub in England in 1974. The Irish filmmaker, Jim Sheridan denounces, through this miscarriage of justice, the mistakes committed by the British police toward Northern Ireland people. This involved part is not the only one in this movie because the director is also interested in the powerful relationship between Gerry Conl...
DS espagnol
Merci de noter en MAJUSCULES vos nom, prénom et adresse Nom, prénom MZOUTI MYRIAM Adresse BATIMENT LES TILLEULS 1 LES GENETS Code postal Ville 38780 PONT-EVEQUE COMPLETER ou coller l’étiquette code-barres correspondant à votre devoir Indicatif : T50-60-0345-3 Code classe (3 chiffres) : 002 Code matière (4 chiffres) : 83T5 N° du devoir (2 chiffres) : 01 Nom du professeur correcteur : Note : Observations générale...
El rey de España es Felipe VI
BIONNET Matthieu 1 ère STMG1 GEORGIN Louis Espagnol E) 4 personajes : -El rey de España es Felipe VI. Proclamado rey tras la abdicación de su padre Juan Carlos I el 19 de junio de 2014. Es rey constitucional de España y comandante supremo de las Fuerzas armadas. -Francisco Rabaneda Cuervo (18 de febrero de 1934), más conocido como Paco Rabanne, es un diseñador de moda español. Es conocido mundialm...
Black friday
Expos Lva en quoi les black friday ont ils obtenu un pouvoir sur l population ? I.Black FridayÕs origin For centuries, the adjective Ç black È has been applied to days upon (=pdt lesquels) which calamities occurred (=se produire). The first use of the term ÒBlack FridayÓ was applied not to holiday shopping but to financial crisis . During 50Õs, it referred to he practice of workers pretending to be sick in order to have a four day weekend. Around the...
espagnol CO
TEXTE a. Sabemos que Túpac Amaru acaba de recibir una mala noticia porque el contenido de la carta lo afecta mucho: sus ojos “brillaron por la ira y el llanto”. b. Túpac Amaru se sentía desorientado porque estaba sumido “en un mar de ideas contradic- torias”. Sabía que la guerra iba a provocar “muertes seguras de su pueblo”. No sabía si sería capaz de llevar a cabo una rebelión contra España. c. Finalmente tomó la decisión de prepararse para la guerra contra los españoles. Era u...
Deutsch 1958 : Besuch von Adenauer in Lothringen. De Gaulle sieht in Adenauer ein überzeugter Europäer. 1962 : C. De Gaulle macht eine Rede um die Freundschaft zwischen Deutschland und Frankreich zu stärken. Die Rede passiert in Bonn : die Staatsbesuch / die diplomatische Besuch passiert, um einem Vertrag zu unterschreiben. Nach Jahrhunderte Kriege : Nach dem Napoleonskriege gibt es eine Erbfeinschaft. 1813 : Die Volker schlach in Leipzig → Sieg über Napoleon (N. hat verloren...
1 ) Peppino Impastato peut être considérer comme un héros car c’est un homme brave qui osait se battre pour le bon et surtout pour la justice. Il s’est sacrifié pour le bien des autres . C ’ e s t u n j e u n e h o m m e q u i l u t t e c o n t r e l a m a f i a j u s q u ’ à c o u p e r l e s p o n t s a v e c s o n p è r e q u i l u i é t a i t m a f i e u x . Un homme qui était fort et fier de ses idées sur la mafia, il a su que la mafia allait le...