Catégorie : Langues
Polynésie, juin 2006, L, LV1: Josefina R. Aldecoa, Mujeres de negro, 1993.
Sujet 4 ♦ Polynésie, juin 2006, L. LV 1 La historia de Juana Juana, hija de un republicano matado a principios de /,a Guerra Civil vive ahora en México con su madre casada con un hacendado local Acaba de ingresar en /,a Academia, una escuel,a espanol,a de /,a capital Las clases no me parecieron diffciles. Tema unos profesores excelentes. El trabajo era estimulante, muy bien programado y perfectamente desarrollado. Pero lo qu...
charte sur l'utilisation d'internet 10 conseils
1. Hüte du dich vor unbekannten Websites Lass dich nicht von sogenannten Schnäppchen verführen, ohne vorher den Ruf der Seite zu prüfen. Hüte dich vor Seiten, die einen viel niedrigeren Preis als ihre Konkurrenten anbieten. Vermeide es, deine Bankdaten zu registrieren. Überprüfe dein Online-Bankkonto regelmäßig. Sichere deine Passwörter. Nutze dein E-Mail-Postfach auf eine sichere Weise. Im Falle eines Vorfalls, kontaktiere zuerst deine Bank. Prüfe, ob die Seite sicher ist. Übersetzt mit ww...
1 / 3 Alexandre Le Grand Ἀλέξανδρος ὁ Μέγας → Statue d’Alexandre Le Grand → :auteur 190 cm → Marbre → Manisa en Magnesia ad Sipylum (Turquie) → Période Hellenistique → ≈ -300 avant J. -C. → Statue d’Alexandre le Grand : Alexandre le grand et les éléphants (bataille de Gaugamèles ); située à Thessalonique (Grèce) → Alexandre Le Grand sur un cheval : Βουκέφαλας / Bucéphale (cadeau venant de son père (Philippe II de Macédoine) à ses 12 ans) → Commandement macédonien : le ro...
Exposé espagnol Raul Grijalva
Hola, voy a presentar Raul grijalvar que es un representante demócrata de Arizona en la Cámara de Representantes de Estados Unidos desde 2003. En primer lugar, Raúl Grijalva, nacido el 19 de febrero de 1948 en Tucson. Nacido hace 63 años en Tucson, Arizona, Grijalva proviene de una familia de origen mexicano que llegó a Estados Unidos en 1948 bajo los auspicios del programa 'Bracero'. Raúl Grijalva comenzó su carrera en el servicio público como organizador comunitario en Tucson. Cuatro déc...
Do you believe that one should respect and honour one’s ancestors culture and heritage ?
Essai in English Question : Do you believe that one should respect and honour one’s an cestors culture and heritage? "What you have received from your ancestors, acquire it, to possess it." , this quote from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe illustrates my point in this following paper : We are fortunate to have received a spiritual heritage from our forebears. However, our ancestors can make tragic errors and we must learn from it to progress. Today all societies are based on the c...
el gallego
Voy hablar de un i dioma hablado principalmente en Espana, el gallego. Entonces, el gallego es una lengua romance del subgrupo galaico- portugués hablada principalmente en la comunidad autónoma española de Galicia pero no solo. Tambien es hablada, el principado de Asturias, y en el Occidente de las comarcas de Sanabria y el Bierzo al noroeste de Castilla y León . Además de eso, y por las circunstancias históricas de la emigración de la población por todo el mundo, exis...
Exposé Anglais The printing press
Exposé Anglais The printing press was marked by an illustrious figure: Gutenberg. The story of this prodigious invention began around 1450 in Mainz, a patrician city where Gutenberg was born, under the name Johann Genfleish zur Ladem zum Gutenberg. Little is known about the inventor, and unfortunately there are doubts that he actually invented the printing press. However, we do know that Gutenberg discovered a process that revolutionized the art of printing and reproducing texts. For this...
The bra
In antiquity and during the middle ages there is a substitute of what is called a bra, but the real first modern bra appears much later. • Antiquity: at the time of the Greeks and Romans women wore wide strips of cloth draped around their bodies • Middle Ages: We stop hiding women’s breasts and start highlighting them • 16th to 20th: It is the appearance of the corset that aims to tighten the waist to bring out the hips and the chest. They are made of wood and metal. But the corset has disa...
Exposé anglais loi sécurité globale
As you know, I am very interested in American politics. However, as things start to calm down there, I'm going to tell you about the thing I find most entertaining after American politics: French politics. Today, I will therefore talk to you about a new controversial law in France, I would like to convince you that the global security law does more harm than good. First of all, although the whole law is interesting, I am only going to talk about section 24 because I find that it is the one th...
Oral d'anglais - The Pretty Reckless
I’m going to present to you Taylor Momsen’s biography. First things first, her complete name is Taylor Michel Momsen. She was named after the great Mick Jagger because she was born on July the 26th, just like him. Also she was born in Saint Louis, Minessota. Let’s first talk about her model career: she got her first experience at 2 years old at Ford Models, so she’s pretty precocious. And after she had an experience with Victoria’s Secret because she posed for the Love Rock perfume of this...
el reto del agua
1-Présentation : Holà me llamo, soy el historiador peruano especialista de la region Puno. 1-PUNO : PRESENTAME MEXICO ? Puno es una ciudad ubicada en el sur de Perú, a orillas de lago Titicaca, uno de los lagos mas grandes de America del Sur. La ciudad es considerada como la capital foclorica del Peru porque tiene fiestas tradicionales donde la danza y la música están muy presentes. 1-HISTORIA DE COLONIZACION : EXPLICANOS LA HISTORIA DE LA COLO EN MEXICO ? Para entender...
Entrada del virrey Morcillo en Potosi.
El arte co lo nia l se de sa rr o ll a en la Am éric a his p ánic a , desd e el sig lo XVI hasta el sig lo XIX , es decir , desd e la co nqu is ta esp añola hasta el pro ce so de in d epend encia de Am éric a del Sur. Melc h or Pére z Holg uin , nació en 16 60 y murió en 1724 , pin to r Boliv ia no, fu e unos de lo s fa m oso s pin to re s de su época . Hace parte de la gen era ció n de pin to re s...
Negative effects of television
Negative effects of television Introduction : Since its invention, television has been a revolutionnary invention. Most of the shows that are proposed on TV are popular program, which could divert people who are interested in this TV shows. It is truly a medium of communication, information, and also an entertainement to general public. It has taken an important part in our lives, so much that almost every family has a television set in their house. At the beginnings of television, it u...
valeurs temporelles
1 / 2 Cours préparé par Mohamed HADDAR et Youness BOUYALes valeurs temporelles les temps composés 2 / 2
Précis de grammaire latine, de la sixième la terminale
Grammaire I- Les déclinaisons Les déclinaisons latines servent à différencier les mots : en effet, à l’inverse du français, les mots n’ont pas d’ordre défini en latin. Ainsi, en regardant la terminaison du nom commun, on peut en déduire sa fonction dans la phrase et donc traduire la phrase en français. Les 6 cas correspondent à 6 fonctions différentes : Nominatif Sujet ou attribut du sujet Vocatif Apostrophe Accusatif COD Génitif CDN (complément du nom) Datif COI Ablatif Complément circon...
Che cos'è questo golpe - Pier Paolo Pasolini
Ç Che cosÕ questo golpe È Pier Paolo Pasolini 1.Ritrova quali sono gli eventi citati. Gli eventi citati in questo testo di Pier Paolo Pasolini sono : -La strage di Milano del 12 dicembre 1969. Quel giorno, esplode una bomba a Piazza Fontana, allÕinterno del salone della Banca Nazionale dellÕAgricoltura provocando 16 morti e 88 feriti. -La strage di Brescia : una bomba nascosta ha fatto 8 morti e 102 feriti il 28 maggio 1974 durante una manifestazio...
Anglais: dystopia
Contrôle d’anglais There are many problems in today's world, but there are some that stand out because of their gravity and importance in the world. First we will what are the mainly problems, then we will see how they will get worse and finally we are going to see how my dystopia works. The inequalities between men and women in terms of salary (men earn more than 20% for the same job compared to women). There is also inequalities in terms of domestics tasks : on average a men do 2 hou...
Lord of the Flies (oral d'anglais)
Marwane, Mirina, Eden, AlexiaLLCE Work Hello, my group and I worked on the Civilisation and Wilderness part of the work the teacher gave us. We will talk about the presence of these two fundamentals in the excerpt we read, and how the characters in this excerpt are trying to build a hierarchy that will control all of these young peopleÕs actions. Piggy is, in this excerpt, a smart and intelligent young boy, that seems to always Þnd things and objects that will be helpful to survive, such as t...
Invention d'une histoire d'horreur (anglais)
A dreary night It all started on christmas eve , outside everything was covered with snow and there were severals houses decorated with coloured twinkling lights . Mary and her husband Andrew were getting prepared to welcome their guests : Jane and her boyfriend Peter in order to celebrate and have a great blast. Mary was in a rush as she loved to be well organised , she ordered the housemaid Anna to arrange all things assure everything and every corner of the house was tidy then she told her...
NEW DEAL (allemand)
III. Was sind die Folgen dieser Serie von wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Reformen? Was hat der New Deal den Vereinigten Staaten gebracht? Und was hat er nicht mitgebracht? Es gibt keine Beweise dafür, dass der New Deal bei der Bekämpfung der Krise erfolgreich war. Auf der anderen Seite ist sein Erfolg auf der sozialen Ebene unbestreitbar. Die Politik von Präsident Franklin Roosevelt hat das Land durch Reformen und nicht durch Revolut...