Catégorie : Langues
santé mental enfant addiction
Intro Part 2 des pour : Sant mental, enfant addiction To continue with what pauline said, With the proliferation of mobile technology there is now an app for everything. Taxis, eating, massages: you name it, they have it. You might wonder, how is this harmful? Apart from the obvious issues related to a sedentary lifestyle, such as obesity and diabetes due to poor diet and lack of exercise, we must also consider the effect of modernity on our mental health. In deed We've never been so connec...
notion oral anglais bac "idée de progrés"
Idea of progress I’m going to speak about the notion “The idea of progress”. The progress can be defined as an improvement in the society in terms of technology, science, social progress. So the idea of progress can be positive with advance but it can also be a degeneration due to a negative progress. We can see these two aspects through the sequence we studied: “Tech- less world”. We tried to answer the following questions: -Can people live without technology? -What...
Expose anglais: the muslim community in the media
INTRODUCTION : hi everyone today i will talk about the muslim community and how they are represented in the media because The media have always portrayed the Muslim community with prejudices. 1) muslim women in serie and movie i will start with muslim women in series and movie : When creators choose to place Muslim women in their television shows or movies, they repeatedly use the same stereotypical trope: a girl feels stuck and oppressed as a Muslim woman because of what is expe...
Gap year
What if i were to tell you that the majority of students would love to take a gap year but our current model of society does not encourage this practice, they follow the safest route. When I ask them what do you like to do on weekends, what is your passion? They tell me things like, I like learning new languages or discovering new places, making videos. So I ask what they plan to do after high school, they often tell me, I'm going to become an engineer or a lawyer to please my parents and...
WORTSCHATZ Territoire et mémoire TERRITORIUM und ERINNERUNG Zwei Länder das Territorium (die Territorien) le territoire der Staat(en) l’état etwas gründen / die Gründung fonder quelque chose / la fondation die BRD: die Bundesrepublik Deutschland, im Westen la République Fédérale d‘Allemagne, à l’Ouest die DDR: die Deutsche Demokratische Republik, im Osten la République Démocratique Allemande, à l‘Est die Gesellschaft (-en) la société die Trennung (-en) / trennen la séparation...
La figura dell'esteta
1 / 3 La figura dell’ ESTETA 2 / 3 3 / 3
la situación de la mujer desde ayer hasta hoy
LA SITUACI Ó N DE LA MUJER DESDE AYER HASTA HOY Durante el último siglo, la situación de la mujer en España ha cambiado enormemente. De hecho, la sucesión de diferentes regímenes políticos ha provocado un trastorno en la vida de las mujeres. Pero, ¿han ganado realmente en libertad? La Segunda Rep ú blica ( 1931 – 1939 ) La proclamación de la Segunda República en abril de 1931 fue vista como una oportunidad para la lucha feminista. De hecho,...
Super hero: The 11 of september 2001 attacks
Anglais Les attentats du 11 septembre 2001 ayant visé les Etats-Unis ont été un choc, un traumatisme pour le monde entier. Mais connaissons nous réellement l’histoire de se massacre ? Un jeune homme de la banlieue de Détroit, James Who, vit seul chez sa grand-mère car ses parents l’ont abandonné étant plus jeune. Il est actuellement en terminale, il n’a pas d’amis et les seuls personnes au lycée lui portant de l’attention se demandent « il est nouveau ?». Mais une nuit James eu une vision,...
article genie genetic anglais
How scared of genetic engineering should we be? From Science-fiction to Reality… Genetic engineering represents the set of tools allowing to modify the genetic constitution of an organism by removing, introducing or replacing DNA introduced in the mid-1970s, the notion of Gene and discovered by Gregor Mendel This notion of genetic engineering raises many questions and frightens some, but to what extent? On the one hand, changing the genetic makeup of an organism is seen by some as a way...
Edward VIII, the traitor king: résumé
E dw ard V III, t h e t r a it o r k in g E dw ard V III, b ette r k n ow n a s E dw ard d uke o f W in dso r o nly r e ig ned f o r a bout 3 26 d ays, a nd t h e s to ry t e lls h e a bdic a te d a nd s a crif ic e d h is t h ro ne a nd p re stig e f o r l o ve , t o m arry W allis S im sp on: a n i d ealiz e d a nd r o m antic iz e d v e rs io n o f t h e t r u th w hic h h as b een a d ebate s in ce t h e p ast d eca des. I n deed, t h e g...
GLOTTOLOGIA-L’ASPETTO VERBALE L’aspetto verbale è il concentrarsi nel messaggio del verbo su uno dei tre momenti del processo verbale:inizio,svolgimento,fine e può essere rappresentato in modo diverso. L’aspetto è rappresentato attraverso il tempo. Altre lingue lo fanno non attraverso il tempo ma attraverso la DERIVAZIONE: opposizione tra il verbo semplice, che è durativo, e il verbo prefissato. È un procedimento che molte lingue naturali utilizzano produttivamente è come il latino accade an...
Analyse du discours et dialogisme
Analyse du discours et dialogisme Ștefan Corina Master LFPC, ANUL II Un des concepts essentiels de l'analyse de discours en France autour des années 70 est assurément celui d'interdiscours, dont une approche historique devra analyser la place, l'économie, les espoirs dont il était porteur, les déconvenues dont il a été le lieu… Tel ne sera pas l'objet de la présente communication qui fait travailler pratiquement un concept venu de l'horizon théorique à...
Prepare your project p.161 : Editorial The Segregation
ABRIC-VERNET Léa 1G4 Prepare your project p.161 : Editorial The Segregation has been abolished in 1964 due to the Civil Rights Movement, lead especially by Martin Luther King, Malcom X or Rosa Parks. The next year, the President Johson signed the Voting Rights Act, which allow any people from any minorities or ethnicities to vote, and forbid to avoid this people to exerce this right. With this laws, we can say that the equality is reached in theory, but is it true in the real life,...
dictaduras en el cono sur
Las dictaduras en el cono sur. Primero, los documentos tratan todos de las 3 dictaduras que hubo en el sur de América Latina en el fin del siglo XX. La primera en Uruguay de 1973 (27 de junio) que empezó con la disolución del Parlamento por el presidente Bordaberry, quien tomo la cabeza del Estado con la ayuda de las fuerzas armadas. La del Chile también empezó en 1973 (11 de septiembre), esta, con un golpe de...
2 juin 2020In a few minutes, the special program dedicated to the famous annual Thanksgiving holiday will take place. First of all, I want to thank you all for watching our show in such great numbers every day. What does Thanksgiving mean to you ? Depending on where you come from, whether you are descendants of pilgrims or natives, you have the right to celebrate this feast or not. Today, IÕm going to tell you a little bit...
Will American Ideas Tear France Apart?
Sarah Holler Term4 27/03/2021 Will American Ideas Tear France Apart? 1) Introduce the document This document is a press article written by Norimitsu Onishi, and published in the NYT in February 2021. This article entitled “Will American Ideas tear France apart” broaches the polemical topic of “Woke Culture”, and its consequences on people’s mindsets. “Woke culture” or “Cancel culture” are expressions used to describe a phenomenon that consists in changing some features in a culture because...
Poster récapitulatif Animal Farm
GEORGES ORWELL Georges Orwell/Eric Arthur Blair (1903/1950) is a prominent English writer , famous for Homage to Catalonia (1938) , Animal Farm (1945) and 1984 (1949) , his writing style is focused on dystopia , satire and real events . There is an adjective which was named after him , an «Orwellian» situation meaning that the said situation is being destructive to a free and open society . ILLUSTRATION This picture represents the fact that the pigs , and most particulary Napoleon , act mo...
The imitation game
Ansal Sofia The immitation game TG2 1/Look online for information about your movie (synopsis, poster, trailer, actors...). The movie is Directed by Morten Tyldum in 2014 y received a lot of awards like Oscar and prizes. Who was Alan Turing? Alan Turing was a brilliant British mathematician who took a leading role in breaking Nazi ciphers during WWII. In his seminal 1936 paper, he proved that there cannot exist any universal algorithmic metho...
12 Angry Men: prejudices always obscures the truth
Lorena PERROTTA T5 English Essay Question 2 : Juror 8 states "prejudice always obscures the truth". How does 12 Angry Men show that prejudice can obscure the truth? (300 words) Since always, prejudices are anchored in people’s mind. Consequently, it happens that they distort the truth, as the people’s opinions aren’t objective. In the movie Twelve Angry Men, we can clearly see that a certain number of the Jurors are full of prejudices toward the accuse. The core question a...
Irish migration
Lorena PERROTTA T5 Question’s Answer - How were the Irish welcomed by the Americans? As we can see in the documents, Irish people were at first despised by American citizens. Indeed, the Americans discriminated a lot the Irish. For example, when they first arrived in the USA, as they were numerous, the law regarding the migrants was restricted and it was harder for them to come in the USA. Moreover, the group “Know-Nothing” really hated Irish people. Indeed, they wanted America to sta...