Catégorie : Langues
THE WALKING DEAD IN REAL LIFE ? FENTANYL, THE DRUG RAVAGING THE UNITED STATES 1- THE ORIGIN OF FENTANYL Fentanyl is a highly potent synthetic drug primary used as an analgesic ( a painkiller). Created in 1959 by DR. Paul JANSSEN ( a Belgian physician, the creator of Johnson & Johnson). The drug is 50 times more potent than heroin and 100 times more potent than morphine. It is usually used in hospital, in operating rooms. It as the similar e ect than opium. 2-FENTANYL, A DANGEROUS SUBSTAN...
Phèdre et de Thésée, en lien avec la pièce de théâtre Phèdre !, écrite par François Gremaud
Bonjour, aujourd’hui, je vais vous présenter la vie de Phèdre et de Thésée, en lien avec la pièce de théâtre Phèdre !, écrite par François Gremaud, à laquelle nous avons assisté le vendredi 1er avril. Tout d’abord, je vous présenterai l’arbre généalogique de Phèdre et de Thésée, puis nous découvrirons les vies de Phèdre et de Thésée. Thésée est le fils d’Egée, ou de Poséidon, et d’Aethra. Il s’est marié avec Antiope, la reine des Amazones, avec qui il a eu un fils, Hippo...
présentation des Asturies
Asturias : I- Su situacion géografia : Constance El Principado de Asturias està situado en el noroeste de España, entre Galicia al oeste y Canabria al este. También comparte su frontera sur con Castilla y leon. Con una superficie de 10.000 kilómetros cuadrados, alberga a un millón de habitantes. Su capital es Oviedo, pero la ciudad más poblada es Gijón. II- A Visitar : Cudillero : Naïs Cudillero es un municipio del Principado de Asturias conocido por sus parroquias. A diferencia de los...
La emigración y la inmigración a lo largo del siglo 20 Circulación de los hombres y de las ideas.
La emigración y la inmigración a lo largo del siglo 20 Circulación de los hombres y de las ideas. Hola hoy le voy a tratar en mi ponencia del temática que es "circulación de los hombres y de las ideas". Vemos a hablar del exilio y migraciones y preguntamos si ¿España fue mas un país de emigración o mas de inmigración a lo largo del siglo 20 ? La emigración y la inmigración a lo largo del siglo 20 esta entre españa y América Latina. Presentaré dos partes : La primera parte hablaré de la...
Analyse tableau "Construction molle aux haricots bouillis" de Dali
Premièrement , on voit le ciel orageux et nuageux en arrière plan ; cela peut renvoyer à un futur évènement dramatique . De plus on remarque que le corps centrale à la forme de l’Espagne . Ainsi , on comprend que ce tableau renvoi à la guerre civil espagnole . Ici , se trouve une tête qui semble renvoyer à la souffrance . En effet , on voit sa peau ridée , son expression et son coup tout tordu ce qui renvoi même presque à la mort .De plus elle semble se régaler du festin royale qui lui est...
Does music industry really represent everyone?
Does music industry really represent everyone? Have you ever watched a Grammy ceremony? Well, we did, and guess what we noticed. Music industry really suffers from inequalities. Indeed, music industry like many other industries has historically been white male dominated. However, some progress in the recent years has been made towards gender equality and black community. Which brings us to this major question: nowadays does music industry really represent everyone? In that article we will...
Lecture linéaire n°8 Texte-support : Le Malade imaginaire (1673), I, 5
Lecture linéaire n°8 Texte-support : Le Malade imaginaire (1673), I, 5 Introduction : * Amorce : * Présentation du texte : * Problématique : Comment cette scène de dispute entre Argan et sa servante Toinette oppose-t-elle la hiérarchie sociale en vigueur au bon sens ? * Plan : Montée en tension progressive entre Argan et Toinette ; cette dernière se comporte de moins en moins comme une servante et de plus en plus comme une maîtrise I) L. 1-32 : Dispute qui s’envenime progressivement ave...
Exposé sur la journée de la légalité en italien
Italien. Che cos’è libera ? E un'associazione antimafia creata nel 1995 da Don Ciotti. Lotta contro l’illegalità/la mafia/la violenza. Raggruppa 1600 associazioni sul territorio. - Promuove la giustizia, i diritti, l’uguaglianza, la libertà, la memoria. - Lavoriamo con altri paesi : Sud-America, Europa, Africa. - Permette di riusare i beni confiscati alla mafia e li affida (=dà) a aziende/associazioni per diversi progetti. Nel 1996 è libera che ha promosso la legge n°190 che permette di r...
Presentación de Córdoba
Córdoba : Introduction Córdoba es una ciudad situada en el sur de España, en Andalucía. La ciudad tiene un rico patrimonio arquitectónico y cultural, que conserva vestigios de las diferentes fases de su historia. En la perioda de Al-Andalus, después de la conquista del sur de la Península Ibérica por los árabes y beréberes en el siglo VIII, Córdoba experimentó un período de particular expansión e influencia en el siglo X como capital del Califato de Córdoba gobernada por una rama local de...
Rédaction d'anglais sur le thème des contes
The ridiculously hideous child : Once upon a time, in a small village called Beautiful Happy Town, a beautiful and honorable woman and her husband, a strong and rich man, were waiting for their first child. Every good citizen (called the Beautifully Happy Towners) in their village respected them as they were good to the other inhabitants, which caused them to be elected mayors of the town. When they announced they were waiting for a child, a great party was organized in the whole city,...
The industrial revolution
Societal changes brought about by the industrial revolution The Industrial Revolution, which took place in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, brought about significant changes in society. It ended the dominance of agriculture, improved living standards: people had access to healthier diets, better housing, and cheaper goods, but above all it has initiated significant social change. One of the major changes was the rise of a new class: The middle class, also called bourgeoisie, as a re...
devoir sur les theories du complot en anglais LLCE AMC What can explain the development of conspiracy theories?
Part 1: What can explain the development of conspiracy theories? Conspiracy theories, ranging from claims about fake moon landings to believing in a flat Earth, have made their paths through the world and have developed and adapted new ways of communication. The theme is presented by 3 documents, document 1 is about the beliefs of these theories and their consequences, document 2 is about the understanding of these theories, and document 3 is about their purposes and their effects. But w...
CNED devoir espagnol
Partie A Ce document est un communiqué de presse publié le 11 février 2021 que nous avons pu extraire du site de l'Union européenne, il est rédigé par les actualités du Parlement européen dans lequel il est expliqué que les députés européens ont appelé l'UE à intensifier ses efforts pour réguler les réseaux sociaux. Ce document est divisé en plusieurs paragraphes traitant de différents aspects du débat au Parlement européen sur la régulation des médias numériques et la liberté d'expressio...
How did roosevelt adress the challenges of the 1929 great depression?
How did Roosevelt address the challenges of the 1929 great depression ? Intro: Today we are gonna - explain the 1929’s crisis and the great depression - What are the consequences of the great depression chomage - who’s Roosevelt, when was he elected ? It’s in that historical context that Franklin delano Roosevelt was elected as the 32nd president he won the election of 1933 against the previous president Hoover - question - plan Photo : 1936 Unemployed Men Eating in Volunteers of Ame...
Para empezar, el pasado de Asturias también está presente hoy.
Para empezar, el pasado de Asturias también está presente hoy. Es un lugar lleno de historia, tradición y costumbres, que aún hoy han podido ser. Recuerda y aquellos a través de diferentes medios. En primer lugar, gracias a que los monumentos tienen ciertamente un interés artístico, pero sobre todo un interés La historia, transmitiendo un cierto mensaje, un recuerdo, en tiempos futuros. Es el caso de la estatua la madre del emigrante, la loca de dolor, instalada en 1970 en uno de los extr...
exposé anglais stem cells
Hello everyone, today I'm going to introduce you to the role of stem cells in research and medicine. We'll start by explaining what stem cells are and how they can be used for innovation. Finally, we'll look at an example of ethical responsibilities. I Stem cells First of all, the cell is the basic unit of life that makes up every organism, whether animal or plant. There are a multitude of cells, including stem cells. Stem cells are undifferentiated cells capable of generating specialised...
CHAPTER G3: TERRITORIES INTEGRATED INTO GLOBALISATION I. A case study: the global city of New York City A.What makes NYC a global city? 1. The origins of New York City’s powers NYC was born in 1624 as a Dutch colony under the name of Nieuw Amsterdam. It became English in 1664 and was renamed according to the duke of York, future James II. It is included in the State of New York but is not its capital (Albany); anyway, it is much autonomous from the State. It is made of 5 boroughs, Manhat...
Essay d'anglais sur les publicités
It’s been years since brands used advertising as their number one technique to be known and it's been working like a charm. People with or without knowing are looking at hundreds of ads throughout the day on the radio, on social media, tv and even websites. Without realizing that the brain is taking in every information he sees. That’s why brands use the repetition technique so our brain remembers ads even better. Advertising has a way to control our lifestyle from the food we eat to what...
Essay Roots
Roots can be linked to family traditions, cultural heritage or geographic origins, and they are the basement of our identity. The question of whether having roots is important could be discuss and probably depend of the point of view present, past and future of each person. I will give you my opinion about this question with some examples. First of all, First, I think that roots are important to build our personal identity. They link us to our familial past, but also to our country, or o...
Essay Demonstrations
In your opinion is demonstrating an effective way of changing things? Why? Why not? Illustrate with examples Introduction: Protesting can be an effective way to express discontent, demand change and draw attention to various issues. However, its effectiveness depends on several factors and it may not always be the most effective or conclusive method. we will first see the advantages of the demonstrations then we will analyse if there are not better means to change things First, I think...