Catégorie : Langues
" Avant que tu ne lises, je te conseil de lire ce travail que si tu n'arrives pas à commencer le tien, étant donné que celui-ci pourrait influencer ton écrit (en gros : ce que j'ai fait pourrait ne pas être un bon exemple duquel s'inspirer) " El famoso : Nom Prenom Classe English Homework "Là j'ai pensé à la foi dans le travail & le sentiment de déclassement social : " In the video document, Caroline Huntsberger tells us that there are some jobs in the rural area but t...
La Idea de progreso
Ficha noción de la « Idea de progreso » Voy a hablar de la noción “la Idea de progreso ”. Primero , podemos definir esta noción: el progreso es el desarrollo de la civilización y especialmente, el desarrollo técnico. Los científicos han descubierto la tecnología y otras cosas muy importantes, y nos ha permitido ir adelante en nuestra sociedad. Así, para estudiar esta noción, podemos preguntar...
Anglais John Ford
John Ford /10 Biography : John Ford was born the 1 st february 1894 in Cape Elizabeth (In US) He died the 31 st august 1973 (He was 79 year) in Palm Dessert (California). He is one of the famousest in the Classic Hollywood period (in the end of the year 1920 until year 1960) He was also owner of 6 oscars including a record of four win for « The Best Realisator » He began his career at 12 years old while following his brother's carreer. He was first assistant, handyman, stuntman, and a...
anglais exercice: For the love of God, Damien Hirst
For the love of God, Damien Hirst Liliana Gugnon terminale 5 Damien Steven Hirst is a British artist, born June 7, 1965 in Bristol. He lives and works in London. He dominated the British art scene in the 1990s as a member of the Young British Artists. For the Love of God is a sculpture by artist Damien Hirst created in 2007, for a total value of $ 100 million. It is a replica of a real human skull, and more precisely the skull of a 35-year-old man who lived in the 18th century, but the den...
expose espagnol: Influencia cultural externa de España
Influencia cultural externa de España Exposé de Liliana Gugnon et Alis Marin terminale 5 UN PASADO GLORIOSO El final del siglo XV se considera un período de transición entre la Edad Media y la era moderna. El estudio de esta fase particular de la historia se caracteriza por una evolución que se puede observar a nivel social, político y cultural. La modernización de la economía de mercado, la expansión de las áreas comerciales, el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías, el aumento de la demografí...
personnage death of a salesman
Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller Liliana Gugnon terminale 5 Willy loman : Willy Loman is a major character and the protagonist of the play. He is the husband of Linda, father of Happy and Biff and brother of Ben. He works as a traveling salesman in the region of New England. Willy Loman is full of aspirations to excel in his career. In fact, he is chasing his American dream of having wealth and freedom to enjoy it with his family. He wants his family to live in luxury but his...
Of Mice And Men
Of Mice and Men Biography: John Ernst Steinbeck was born in Salinas, California on February 27, 1902. His father was the county treasurer and his mother was a former school teacher. She inspired and his love of books and reading. Steinbeck was not a brilliant student and when he left Stanford University, it was without a degree. He tried various jobs that brought him into contact with the working class and the lower strata of society. In 1925 - at the time of the Depression - Steinbeck went...
Are we defined by where we come from?
Georgyan DAYRON Tle Simone Weil Are we defined by where we come from? Everybody’s life is different is lots of ways. Indeed, some come from notorious families, others from nowhere. However, to my mind, this can change: you can become well-known and wealthy with a lot of hard work and occasionally some luck. Backbreaking work will lead you to Ray Comfort’s quote (a New Zealand-born Christian minister): “Never let the defeat of the past rob you of the...
Allemand dm: Deutschland-meine Heimat
Deutschland-meine Heimat Heimat ist ein Gefhl und kann so viel mehr sein: ein Ort, eine Region, bestimmte Menschen, Geborgenheit, und Erinnerungen an etwasÉ Das Gefhl, eine Heimat zu haben, ist ein sehr schnes und wichtiges Gefhl, es kann aber auch schmerzen, wenn diese Heimat so fern von einem ist. Ich bin in Frankreich geboren, aber ich habe die meiste Zeit meiner Kindheit in Deutschland in einer kleinen Stadt namens Hamm verbracht, da dort meine Onkel und Tanten, meine Cousinen und C...
Le pictural dans la poésie moderniste latino-américaine
Romane ManacÕh 22006774 M1 Les Amriques Littratures - Amrique Hispanophone - C. Sourp Le pictural dans le modernisme Le modernisme est un mouvement qui apparat la fin du XIXe sicle, en raction ce qui le prcde. Le mouvement moderniste en littrature couvre une priode comprise entre 1875 et 1921, et sa base, il y a une certaine volont de rnovation des modles du post-romanticisme et mme des modles romantiques, de lÕacadmisme et galement...
Jean le rond d'Alembert et les sciences (anglais)
JEAN LE ROND D'ALEMBERT > Was born the November, 16th of 1717 in Paris (yesterday, it was the tercentennial of his birth), and died in 1783 à Paris > Mathematician > Physician > Philosophe > Encyclopaedist > known for: - The encyclopaedia (that he directed with Diderot) - His mathematical works - His Physical works I/ CHILDHOOD > Son of the writer Claudine Guérin de Tencin and the duke of Aremberg (he used this name i...
Cabin fever
Cabin Fever Every summer, for the past seven years, Sophie and I were going to our cabin in the National Park of Yosemite. When we met, I was in this park because my psychologist, Ms. Rotfield, told me that it could be of great help for me to take a rest in a non-stressful environment. Sophie was there because she had nothing better to do, this was typical of her, because it was spontaneous. The night we met was one of my “bad nights' ' as Ms. Rotfield called i...
Anglais : Expression écrite Document : « Buffalo Bill’s Duel with Yellow Hand »
Anglais : Expression écrite Document : « Buffalo Bill’s Duel with Yellow Hand » The document is a drawing made in the end of the XIX century. We don’t know the drawer. The action took place in the Great Plains, in the West of the United States, and refers to the Battle of The Little Bighorn between federal troops (led by Lieut. Col. George A. Custer) and Northern Plains Indians. First of all, I will describe all the elements of this illustration. On the f oreg...
Vocabulaire basique espagnol
VOC 25/03/2021 Mourir de rire Destornillarse de la risa Souvent Amenudo avouer Confesar Englober abarcar Un moment Un rato Une infinité de Un sin fin de Un sujet Un asunto Un fleuve Un rio dérisoire nimio Un chemin Un camino moitié medio Obligatoirement Obligatoriamente Presque casi Autant tanto Lit cama aussi t ăn Séduire Seducir Au milieu de A mediados de Investir Invertir Dont cuyo Se rejouir Alegrarse S’obstiner à Porfiar en Avoir l’habitude soler Arrêter de Dejar de Do...
polish immigration to the UK
Polish immigration to the UK Slide 1 Dzien dobry. I will present you some aspects of the Polish immigration in the UK. Slide 2 Polish migration to the UK has happened for a long time but the main part of it started during the Second World War in 1940, with the establishment in London of the Polish government accompanied with thousands of soldiers and airmen. Slide 3 After the war, about 250,000 Poles stay in Britain, refusing to...
Drama Cyrano de Bergerac (1897)
Drama Cyrano de Bergerac (1897) ini terbagi dalam 5 babak, dengan babak ketiga menjadi babak yang paling banyak memiliki adegan, yaitu 14 adegan. Kemudian drama ini terbagi dalam 46 sekuen. Dari total 46 sekuen tersebut, ada tiga tokoh yang menjadi tokoh dominan dengan muncul di setiap babak dalam drama ini. Ketiga tokoh tersebut adalah Cyrano, Roxane, dan Christian. Ketiganya merupakan tokoh yang memiliki pengaruh besar terha...
santé mental enfant addiction
Intro Part 2 des pour : Sant mental, enfant addiction To continue with what pauline said, With the proliferation of mobile technology there is now an app for everything. Taxis, eating, massages: you name it, they have it. You might wonder, how is this harmful? Apart from the obvious issues related to a sedentary lifestyle, such as obesity and diabetes due to poor diet and lack of exercise, we must also consider the effect of modernity on our mental health. In deed We've never been so connec...
notion oral anglais bac "idée de progrés"
Idea of progress I’m going to speak about the notion “The idea of progress”. The progress can be defined as an improvement in the society in terms of technology, science, social progress. So the idea of progress can be positive with advance but it can also be a degeneration due to a negative progress. We can see these two aspects through the sequence we studied: “Tech- less world”. We tried to answer the following questions: -Can people live without technology? -What...
Expose anglais: the muslim community in the media
INTRODUCTION : hi everyone today i will talk about the muslim community and how they are represented in the media because The media have always portrayed the Muslim community with prejudices. 1) muslim women in serie and movie i will start with muslim women in series and movie : When creators choose to place Muslim women in their television shows or movies, they repeatedly use the same stereotypical trope: a girl feels stuck and oppressed as a Muslim woman because of what is expe...
Gap year
What if i were to tell you that the majority of students would love to take a gap year but our current model of society does not encourage this practice, they follow the safest route. When I ask them what do you like to do on weekends, what is your passion? They tell me things like, I like learning new languages or discovering new places, making videos. So I ask what they plan to do after high school, they often tell me, I'm going to become an engineer or a lawyer to please my parents and...