Catégorie : Langues
Commentaire composé The Bording House
1 THE BOARDING HOUSE JAMES JOYCE INTRODUCTION "The Boarding House is one of 15 stories in James Joyce's collection of short stories, Dubliners, published in 1914. The collection reflects life in Ireland at the beginning of the 20th century and each of the stories offers a glimpse into the lives of ordinary Dubliners while portraying a nation. After a difficult marriage to an alcoholic husband, Mrs. Mooney opened a boarding house to earn her lif...
Geography of the United States
X²Chapter 2 : Geography of the United States Introducrtion : Is the USA a country* ? !! les états-unis sont > the USA is (NOT ARE) Country : Several éléments are needed to consider an area as a country : a population, a territory, one governement, a sovereignty = this government rule / control / decide / has the control AND a recognition = other countries consider this are as a country It seems obvious the USA is a country, without any doubt BUT… • Problems about the territory...
Cours de civilisation britannique I) Liberal government (1906-1914) : Liberal The Liberal welfare reforms (1906–1914) were a series of acts of social legislation passed by the British Liberal Party after the 1906 General Election. They represent the emergence of the modern welfare (=bien être, aide sociale) state in Great Britain. In 1906 to 1914 the Liberal Government (« laissez faire ») passed reforms to help reduce poverty. Legislation included the introduction of old age pension...
Lope De Vega: Fuente Ovejuna ÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐ Ñ 1 Ñ Fuente Ovejuna Pueblo de la provincia de Crdoba, llamado hoy Fuente Obejuna Versos 1 Ð 50 Comendador [mayor] [Grand] Commandeur : directement sous les ordres du Maestre (Grand Matre) de lÕOrdre de Calatrava, fond en 1158 par un moine guerrier cistercien pour dfendre la place forte contre la...
Fiche espagnol: Análisis de los carteles
Análisis de los carteles Bando Republicano Nacionalistas/ franquistas Descripción de los planos Soldados (hombres y mujeres). Campesinos. Los enemigos como los Nazis y la iglesia católica. Mucho rojo. Soldados y generales pero sólo hombres. Mujeres = ama de casa . Los enemigos : el comunismo, los sindicalistas y las regiones que quieren ser independientes (separatismo) . Siglas CNT : Confederación Nacional del Trabajo. ( sindicato ). FAI : Federación...
Littérature espagnole
"Demuestre cómo la risa se convierte en un arma para denunciar el sinsentido de la guerra en Pic-Nic de Fernando Arrabal" Pic-Nic fue la primera obra de teatro de Fernando Arrabal, escrita entre 1952 y 1956. Fernando Arrabal nació en Meliá en 1932 y es un novelista, dramaturgo y cineasta español. Fernando Arrabal retomó este tema y escribió esta obra cuando tenía 20 años, inspirado por su historia personal y en los traumas que había vivido. De hecho, su padre fue miembro de...
is education for all
IS EDUCATION FOR ALL Education is an important tool which is very useful in everybody’s life. Education is what differentiates us from other living beings on earth. It takes human the smartest creature on earth, it empowers humans and gets them to face challenges of life efficiently. Subsequently, education helps as well in making someone independent, if a person is educated, they won’t have to depend anyone else for their livelihood. They will be self-sufficient to earn for themselv...
Commentaire «les petites vielles» Baudelaire Les Fleurs du Mal
Les Fleurs du Mal, recueil parut en 1857 fit scandale dans la société conformiste de l’époque, jugé comme atteinte à la morale publique, le recueil de Baudelaire casse en effet avec de nombreux codes de l’ancienne société. Dans la section Tableau Parisiens, il dresse un portrait de la ville de Paris et va chercher à ce séparer du Spleen en se tournant vers les autres et en particulier chez les plus vulnérables. Dans le poème « les petites vielles » nous verrons en quoi les petite...
The HandMaid's tale- Fiche de lecture en Anglais
HANDMAID’S TALE PLOT : She can leave the house only on shopping trips, the door to her room cannot be completely shut, and the Eyes, Gilead’s secret police force, watch her every public move. Offred had an affair with Luke , a married man. Luke divorced his wife and married Offred, and they had a child together. Offred’s best friend, Moira , was fiercely independent. The architects of Gilead began their rise to power in an age of readily available pornography, prostitution,...
Cours de grec
Grec Initiation 2 — Constance Détroyat — 2021 -2022 Cours 1 : r etour au grec ! A/ Exercice s de lecture. 1. Lisez le texte ci -dessous : Ἐ ν Λέσβ ῳ θηρ ῶν ἐν ἄλσει Νυμφ ῶν θέαμα εἶδον κάλλιστον ὧν εἶδον· εἰκ όνα γραπτήν ἱστορίαν ἔρωτος. Καλ ὸν μ ὲν κα ὶ τὸ ἄλσος, πολύδενδρον, ἀνθηρόν, κατάρρυτον· μία πηγ ὴ πάντα ἔτρεφε, κα ὶ τὰ ἄνθη κα ὶ τὰ δένδρα· ἀλλ’ ἡ γραφ ὴ τερπνοτέρα κα ὶ τέχνην ἔχουσα περιττ ὴν κα ὶ τύχην ἐρωτικήν· ὥστε...
Khôlle allemand
Steffen Jacobs ist ein deutscher Dichter und Schriftsteller, geboren 1968. Der Text, den wir untersuchen werden, ist ein Gedicht aus der Sammlung „Der Alltag des Abenteurers. Gedichte“ Dieses Gedicht heißt Begegnung . Es wurde 1996 geschrieben. Es ist in drei Strophen von vier Versen aufgeteilt. Das Gedicht ist der ersten Person des Singulars geschrieben. Der Erzähler ist also auch eine Figur. Es ist ein Liebesgedicht, in dem der Erzähler...
bio coldplay
BIOGRAPHIE COLDPLAY Coldplay est un groupe britannique créé en 1996 . Il est formé par l'auteur -compositeur -interprète Chris Martin et le guitariste Jon Buckland . Le bassiste Guy Berryman rejoint ensuite le groupe, avant que le batteur Will Champion ne vienne compléter le quatuor. Le producteur Phil Harvey s'associe à leur proj et en tant que manager. En 1998, le groupe voit le jour sous son nom définitif . Ils en profitent alors pour signer chez le labe...
Horror Movies
Today I am going to define the notion of Horror and give you the keys to create a good preparation for Horror movie's shoot. Tableau : Horror ❌ Fantasy Horror is often seen as a subgenre of the fantastic, where the creepy and cruel aspect of the supernatural is exacerbated. So when the supernatural becomes terrible and it leads to madness or bloody deaths, we go into (entrer dans )Horror. But horror is not limited to the fantastic.Indeed, if the Fantastic and the Horror often have in c...
L'humour comme strategie
CONTENU 1. INTRODUCTION (1000 mots) 2. METHODOLOGIE ET PRESENTATION DU CORPUS BRUT (1000 mots) 2.1. Le péritexte journalistique et le genre rédactionnel du Corpus 2.2. Pour une approche sémantico-pragmatique 3. CADRAGE THEORIQUE (1300 mots) 3.1. L’humour : L’analyse d’un jeu sur l’échiquier subjectif et énonciatif 4.1.1. L’incongruité 4.1.2. La distance 4.1.3. L’ambiguïté 4.1.4. L’ambivalence 4.1.5. La connivence 4.1.6. La bienveillance 4.1.7. Le ludisme . 3.2. L’humour et l’...
expose sur la femme marocaine
1 / 3 Internal Use - Confidential ةأرملا نيب ةيبرغملا مويلاو سأملا فرط نأم مدقأم ضرع يوافرشلا كلأم ولحل ةزيازل 2 / 3 3 / 3
Oral espagnol : la ocupación de España por los franceses
En 1808,empieza la guerra de independencia. Ve al ejército de Napoleón y a los españoles chocar porque hubo la abdicación de Bayona donde napoleón forzó a abdicar Carlos IV et Fernando VII por su hermano José Bonaparte . Los españoles no quieren un rey francés y el 2 de mayo se inicia una insurrección en Madrid. Este guerra duro seis años y hubo consecuencias desastrosas pero los afrancesados se fueron detrás de ellos una herencia muy importante en España ....
chimamand ngozi
CORRECTION « WE SHOULD ALL BE FEMINISTS » part 1 1. She felt WORRIED because she wanted to be taken seriously as a female teacher. 2. She decided to wear a manly suit. 3. She wished she hadn't worn that suit. 4. She has decided she would, from now on, show her feminity and wear what she wants to wear. Part 2 GENDER : either the 2 sexes, especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones. The term is also used more broadly to d...
The birth of Ireland nationalism
The Birth of Irish nationalism At the end of the 17th century, the British government limited the possibilities of economic and commercial development of the island. Within the Protestant colonial elite, gradually distanced from political and religious power, the first Irish nationalism was born. In 1759, Henry Flood created the Irish Patriotic Party. At the end of the 18th century, the economic situation of the Irish, especially the Catholics, improved and, in 1783, the Irish Parliame...
Romeo and Juliet simplified in modern English
ROMEO & JULIET ACT 1 Narrator 1 : 16 th (sixteenth) century, two rich families live in Verona, the Capulets and the Montagues. They are enemies: they hate each other! And they often fight. The Capulets have one daughter, Juliet. The Montagues have one son, Romeo. Here the story begins... We are in Verona, in a public square... Tybalt : ...You know...the Montagues are all fools. Sampson : Oh, you’re damn right Tybalt! Anthony : Hey!!! Here they come, look! (ENTER MERCUTIO...
The impact of social networks in our lives
The impact of social networks in our lives In recent years, social networks have become a big part of our lives. Moreover, 81.71% of the UK population use social networks in 2011, which ranks them 3 rd in Europe. Young and old alike are now using them to socialize or get information. Social networks can allow commercial companies to communicate about their products, they use it as a promotional tool. Social networks are also used to inform the population more quickly and easily of t...