Catégorie : Langues
Multiculturalisme et Canada: Why is Multiculturalism a very important concept in Canada?
Why is Multiculturalism a very important concept in Canada? First, to recognize the growing diversity, Canada was the first country to adopt a formal multiculturalism policy in 1971. It is a country marked by immigrants and immigration, a process that began with the First Nations who helped English and French settlers. - Foreground: - 4 people with different ideas or cultures. This shows the multiculturalism that is so prevalent in Canada. We can indeed see a woman, surely a Muslim, a...
La migration de populations hipaniques aux Etats Unis
Tema : Estados Unidos ¿ un país hispanos ? ¿ Cómo rompen barreras los ciudadanos hispanos en EE UU ? Muchos hispanos migran a los Estados Unidos porque imaginan que la vida es perfecta en EE UU: aparece el sueno americano. Ademas, esperan ganar dinero y quieren ofrecer un futuro mejor a sus hijos. Piensan que van a integrarse facilmente. Pero, la migración hacia los Estados Unidos es un camino difícil sembrado de obstáculos. Muchos migrantes deciden cruzar la frontera ilegalmente. Ciertos...
Traben-Trarbach Zusammenfassung: Heute werde ich euch die Stadt Traben-Trarbach vorstellen. Ich werde die geografische Lage vorstellen, dann die wichtigsten geschichtlichen Ereignisse, dann Sehenswürdigkeiten, dann das Freizeitangebot und schließlich meine Argumentation. Das ist das Wappen von Traben-Trarbach. Die geografische Lage Traben-Trarbach ist eine kleine Stadt mit 5567 Einwohnern in Rheinland-Pfalz. Seine Fläche beträgt 31,35 km². Die wichtigsten geschichtlichen Ereignisse Di...
كلية اآلداب والعلوم اإلنسانية ⵜⵜⵜⵜⵜⵜⵜⵜ ⵜ ⵜⵜⵜⵜⵜ ⵜ ⵜⵜⵜⵜⵜⵜⵜⵜⵜ ⵜⵜⵜⵜⵜⵜⵜⵜⵜⵜ Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines Filière Etudes Françaises Sociolinguistique Semestre 6 Pr. Rachid Baalla Le Programme I- Introduction à la sociolinguistique II- L’objet d’étude de la sociolinguistique III- Quelques concepts fondamentaux de la sociolinguistique IV- Bourdieu et le marché linguistique V- Mélanges de langues; code-mixing VI- Diglossie Vs Bilinguisme L...
Lord of the flies analysis
PASSAGE ANALYSIS Introduction: Hello everyone, today I will present you my passage analysis of Lord of the flies, written by William Golding and first published in 1954. My passage starts on page 51 on the bottom of the page with “There wasn’t any smoke. Only flames.” and ends on page 55 in the end of the first paragraph. There should be 105 lines. Situation: Firstly, I’ll situate the passage (chapter 2). Boys island, meeting Ralph and Piggy, conch, chief, exploring the island – conclus...
Synthèse LLCE: This article written by David Robson
TG03 LLCE SYNTHESE This article written by David Robson, explains the work of Tim Lomas. His work is about how important it is to express our feelings with precise words. The message of this article is that we don't put as much attention as we should on the words we chose to express our many emotions. We always use the same words to express our feelings and it might be a barrier to the transmission of our deep feelings. For him, this lack of vocabulary in our respective languages could...
espagnol las indigenas
Violette Verdun LS2 Comentario personal: Los pueblos indígenas y su deseo de autodeterminación para proteger su patrimonio cultural. Algo puede sorprender: Los amerindios eran unos 100 millones en el continente cuando se descubrió América. Un siglo y medio después, sólo había 4,5 millones. Hoy son más de 47 millones y, en algunos países como Bolivia o Perú, representan casi la mitad de la población. Así, los pueblos indígenas están bien representados en Sudamérica y exigen...
How do the three documents interact to deal with the intersection of multiple identities?
Bac Blanc Self-expression and self-construction are a big part of what makes us who we are. In fact, some people and their communities share their experiences of how they found themselves as well as their identity that they accept. The vogue communities as well the LGBT community depict perhaps in one of the most pure ways how one would deal with the intersection of multiple identities. Taking into account each document we’ll show how they interact to deal with the intersection of...
Anglais exposé: Lincoln
Anglais exposé: Lincoln 1/Présentation: The film we are about to present is entitled Lincoln, directed by Steven Spielberg. It was released on 30 January 2013 (two thousand and thirteen). Steven Spielberg is an American director, screenwriter and film producer. He received two Oscars for best director (in 1994. (nineteen ninery four) and 1999 (nineteen ninety nine)) and an Oscar for best...
Comment les grandes explorations ont-elles affecter le mode de vie des habitants colonisés du Nouveau Monde (autochtones) ?
Doliesha Nerestant Comment les grandes explorations ont-elles affecter le mode de vie des habitants colonisés du Nouveau Monde (autochtones) ? La fin du Moyen Âge est reconnu pour l’ambition des Européens axée vers la découverte de nouveaux horizons. Ils avaient en tête des motivations économiques, religieuses et politiques. Lorsqu’on examine cette période de l’histoire, on pense notamment aux grandes explorations, quand des personnages tels que Christophe Colo...
Cordoba : les échanges majeurs entre civilisations et art au fil des siècles.
1 / 3 Córdoba 2 / 3 3 / 3
Commentaire Marquez
1)LA OBRA : Crnica de una muerte anunciada es una novela de Gabriel Garcia Marquez publicada durante el ao Mil novecientos ochenta y uno . Se trata de la historia de un hecho historico ocurrido en mil novecientos cincuenta y uno en la tierra natal del escritor : Columbia. El libro, como lo sugiere el titulo se presenta como una crnica histrica que relata hechos histricos pero incluido elementos del realismo magico y de la novela policial. La novela sigue de manera lejos de cronolgica...
El poder de las redes sociales
Eje: Ciudadanía y mundos virtuales Entregar a la vuelta En Internet, e n tu motor de búsqueda , escribe el título del documento + Eduard Punset +, sale primero o puedes escribir, pero es más largo, la dirección del sitio web :• Competencias: CO – EE - EO en clase. • Nivel de competencia: A2 / B1 • T ítulo del d ocumento : El poder de las redes sociales , en Redes , n °90 , en Radio Televisi...
droit des etats unis cours
The exam: 40 questions Myth and reality of the American system Summary: 1) The constitution of foundations Many myths about the American constitution: concern the American constitution: the farmers Role of the judge is to apply the law, ask the question “what was the intention of the farmers with the constitution?” Constitution made an incredible role: the myth = what people believe Reality=what begin Flattering picture of the farmers: what is the reality behind the picture of the f...
Tache Finale en Anglais ( LVA ) sur les BOTs
Tache Finale en Anglais ( LVA ) BOT - Oh te voilà ! Quel plaisir de te voir après tout ce temps passé sans se voir . Ca fait si bizarre de se rencontrer pour la première fois ! Comment vas-tu ? L- Je vais très bien merci. T’as raison c’est si déstabilisant de se retrouver dans l’endroit dont on a tant parler, Gibraltar ! C’est si beau ! BOT – Oui, c’est un endroit vraiment reposant. D’ailleurs je vais profiter du fait que l’on soit toutes les deux réunies en ce jour pour te pa...
Americans’ values illustrated in Abraham Lincoln’s Biography.
MAMADOU LAMINE COR Topic: Americans’ values illustrated in Abraham Lincoln’s Biography. Civilizations through the history of humanity follow generally similar patterns, however, there are numerous peculiarities typical for the process of each society formation. When considering the process of American and other civilisations, we come to determine that they are drastically differ...
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead The Play Act One Two ELIZABETHANS passing time in a plac e without any visible character. They are well -dressed - hats, cloaks, sticks and all. Each of them has a large leather money bag. Guildenstern's bag is nearly empty. Rosencrantz's bag is nearly full. The reason being: they are betting on the toss of a coin, in the following manner: Guildenstern (hereafter 'GUIL') takes a coin out of his bag, spins it...
Alice in wonderland (exposé)
Alice in Wonderland is a nineteen fifty one American animated musical fantasy movie produced by Walt Disney Productions and based on Alice's adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll who was an English writer of children's fiction. His real name is Charles Lutwidge Dodgson and he wrote that story in 1865 The movie starts with Alice laying on a tree while her sister reads her a book. She starts to get bored and she sings about how lonely she is, then, she notices a White Rabbit running a...
Histoire de l'Espagne
Histoire de lÕEspagne : I.La Guerra civil o la con Þguracin del rgimen Le plus important est de dire quels sont les di ffrentes dictatures, leurs volution A. Prologo Ver como las circunstancias histricas y polticas favorecieron la instauracin de la dictadura ➡ circunstancias nacionales y factores internacionales ➡ importancia del ejrcito a)La segunda Republica (1931-1936) 12 de abril de 1931 : elecciones municipales y ganaron los candidatos republicanos 14 de abril : procla...
hills like white elephants analysis
Derudder Manon LS1 English Commentary Hills like White Elephants "Hills Like White Elephants" i s a short story by Ernest Hemingway . It was first published in August 1927, in the literary magazine « Transition », then later in the 1927 short story collection Men Without Women. In the early 1920s, an American man and a girl (probably younger than him are waiting at a Spanish railway station for a train that will take them to Madrid. They drink, sit...