Catégorie : Langues
Grand oral de LLCE Anglais: A travers les œuvres de Jo Spence, à quelles fin la photographie peut-elle être utilisée dans la lutte féministe?
A travers les œuvres de Jo Spence, à quelles fin la photographie peut-elle être utilisée dans la lutte féministe? Introduction : En Grande-Bretagne, les années 1970 sont souvent reconnues comme les années d’une période de crise. Lorsque l’on jette un œil à cette décennie, les problèmes économiques et politiques subis ont été sans aucun doute exagéré ; il est bien connu, aujourd’hui, que cette décennie était avant tout l’âge d’or de la culture britannique et une période de progrès politique...
Sonoran desert
Sonoran Desert in the south of the United States. A harsh, hot and unforgiving landscape straddling the border with Mexico. A natural barrier, not so much a protective wall, but a regional belt dividing the bodies of two nations. Thousands of illegal migrants cross into this area of Arizona every year. To them, it represents a gateway to a better life. In reality, it's often a gauntlet of death from which they may never return. Crossing the desert to avoid these. Steel and concrete walls...
Le Malade imaginaire, Molière
Le Malade imaginaire Objet d’étude : Spectacle et comédie Spectacle : représentation, scène, tableau, vision, vue Comédie : sournoiserie, plaisant, amusant Divertissement : Distrac°, amusement, pass-temps Tragédie: catastrophe, drame, Satire: critique, Farce: imposture, pasquinade, blague, plaisanterie, tour, ridiculiser Subterfuge : Échappatoire,ruse,stratagème Spectacle total : Représenta° où se mêlent plusieurs disciplines artistiques comme : l’art, les chants, et les danses. Com...
commentaire du chapitre 26, le rouge et le noir de stendhal
Stendhal, Le Rouge et Le Noir 1830 Chapitre 26 : Le monde ou ce qui manque aux riche INTRO Roman emblématique de la littérature française, « Le Rouge et le Noir", sous-titré "Chronique du XIXe(19e) siècle", raconte l'histoire de Julien Sorel, un jeune homme issu d'un milieu modeste, qui cherche à gravir les échelons de la haute société en utilisant son intelligence, son ambition et sa jeunesse séduisante. On retrouve Julien dans ce chapitre au séminaire de Besançon, qui fait face à l’h...
L'espoir fait vivre HLP
L’espoir fait il vivre ? « L’espoir en un avenir meilleur aide à supporter un présent difficile » c’est ce que dit Jean-Paul Sartre qui est un écrivain et philosophe français. Mesdames et messieurs je me tient ici devant vous pour vous montrer ce qu’est réellement l’espoir. Pour moi l’espoir c’est ce qui fait vivre les hommes car en effet vivre sans espoir ça serait comme vivre sans but dans la vie. Et lorsque je vis une période difficile je repense a la citation que je vous ai dit précé...
Oral LLCE Dossier Spécialité English
Dossier Spécialité English For years, black people had to face injustice. From slavery to police violence, they have never given up and have always fought for equality. Eventhough, the pain may seem less intense, it is still exist and we must talk about it and never close our eyes. A lot of people fought and are still fighting for black people cause in America . To name a but a few Marthin Luther, Nelson Mandela, Viola Davis, Amandla Stenberg and so on. This fight can take several fo...
grand oral AMC
Oral officiel : In recent decades, many countries have been rapidly urbanising, and above 90% of future urban growth is projected to occur in developing countries Historically, urbanisation has been linked to economic development and growth. However, in Kenya, the relationship between urbanisation and economic growth is hotly debated. Urbanisation in Kenya can be traced to urban agglomeration in the form of commercial hubs extending back to the 19th century. As many of the metropolitan...
Cours sur Barcelone - Section euro espagnol
Barcelona en la globalización Barcelona es la segunda ciudad de España (5 millones por la metrópolis) después de Madrid. Ubicada en la costa mediterránea, esta ciudad como todas las metrópolis esta cambiando bajo los efectos de la globalización. (La globalización es la multiplicación de los intercambios económicos, sociales y culturales entre las distintas partes del mundo). I/ ¿Barcelona, una metrópolis global? Metrópolis global: ciudad que tiene una influencia económica, política y cultu...
Le nombre d'or
1ère AMC Lucile Bait 17/11/22 Last week of September Title : The Irei project : National Monument for the WWII Japanese American Incarceration, which addresses the erasure of the identities of those incarcerated. Important facts to remember : Contexte February, 19 1942: -11 week after Japan bombed Perl Harbor, President Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, it authorized the removal of Japanese-Americans from U.S. military zones in Washington, Oregon and California. -About 120 000 “...
Présentation histoire real madrid en espagnol
Hace muchos años, en 1902 para ser exactos, se fundó uno de los clubes de fútbol más prestigiosos del mundo: el Real Madrid. Desde entonces, el equipo ha vivido momentos inolvidables que han dejado huella en la historia del deporte. En sus primeros años, el Real Madrid comenzó a forjar su leyenda en el fútbol español. Ganaron numerosos títulos locales y pronto se convirtieron en un rival temido por su habilidad en el campo. Pero fue en la década de 1950 cuando el equipo experimentó un asce...
Cours d'Anglais sur le sport
SPORT AND CULTURE - OLYMPIC GAMES The Olympic Games, like any state, have a motto: "ciltius, altius, fortius", which means "faster, higher, stronger". The Olympic Games also share the values of excellence, respect and friendship. This year, the Games will be held in France. The host country is chosen automatically, and every year the country changes so that everyone can host the Olympic Games on an equal footing. Athletes may be selected during a continental qualifying competition or...
exposé sur Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks Intro: Called, “the mother of civil right movement”, Rosa Parks was born on February 1st of 1913 and died on October 24th, 2005. She is one the most important figures of the American history because of her refusal in the bus in Montgomery which we are going to develop later. She is an icon of the desegregation and so we’re going to ask ourselves how did Rosa Parks managed to have an influence on black people’s rights and freedom. First, we are going to talk about her childhood...
Tableau Métropolis Otto Dix analyse personnelle
ARTS, ETATS & POUVOIR ARTS DU VISUEL Comment l’art est-il porteur de mémoire ? Otto DIX (1891-1969), Métropolis [Großstadt], 1928 Triptyque, 181 cm. x 403 cm., Kunstmuseum, Stuttgart. 1. Présentation de l’œuvre Titre de l’œuvre Métropolis (La Grande Ville) Auteur de l’œuvre Otto Dix (1891-1969) Date & Contexte 1928, les années 1920, appelées aussi les « Années folles ». Nous sommes dans l’après Première Guerre mondiale (1914-1918) Vision mythique de l’après-guerre où l...
DNL fiche
Health (benefits of sport) A : World Health Orga → regular physical activity → for having security benefits : 20% to 30% chances to die earlier. B : doc C: we will try to prove you that sport → good effects on health D : I / II / III I/ Physical benefits A) stronger body → improve endurance : aerobics → increase heart beats → “ “ flexibility : gym → involving regular training → maintain skeleton : running → strengthen bone (avoid multiples fractures) → permit to live longer B) Preve...
Ecology in Jamaica
Hello everyone, today i am going to present you the actual climate situation in jamaica, then how this country tackles climate change and then i am going to give you my opinion about it. First of all, let’s go over some important information. Jamaica is a Small Island Developing State and the largest island in the English-speaking Caribbean, and the most populated with 2.93 million people. It is highly dependent on natural resources. Jamaica experiences a tropical climate characterized by...
essay steve jobs
Steve Jobs, who co-founded Apple Inc, was heavily influenced by the American culture of the time. Indeed, we can see in his life and work the impact of traditional American values but also of the counterculture movement which started rising in the 60s. The concepts of innovation, minimalism and never-ending search for perfection seems to have had a big impact on his ideas, socially, religiously but also in terms of business with his work ethic and vision for Apple. The counterculture movem...
Discrimination speech
Hello Today I'd like to talk about a really heartbreaking discrimination, which is women in Iran being persecuted. last year, Mahsa Amini was arrested because she was not wearing her hijab correctly, which is prohibited for women in Iran. She fell into a coma at the police station. She tragically died three days after at the hospital. According to the authorities, she suddenly fainted while talking to someone but her family and many others Iranians didn't believe this and accused the pol...
La figura de Pablo Escobar
Pablo Escobar, uno de los narcotraficantes más famosos de la historia, sigue siendo una figura controvertida en Colombia y en el mundo. ¿Qué representa realmente para los colombianos y el resto del mundo? ¿Es amado o odiado? Esta problemática plantea numerosos debates que continúan dividiendo las opiniones. En esta argumentación, examinaremos las diferentes percepciones de la figura de Pablo Escobar basándonos en su historia y los eventos que marcaron su vida. En primer lugar, Pablo Escoba...
Los Angeles exposé
LOS ANGELES 1A This town is very famous and interesting. There are a lot of legendary places as the Hollywood sign or the walk of fame. I chose it because i really like movie. To see how to realise it. Futhermore i like the basketball team « the Lakers » and the football team « LA Galaxy » for the sport level. 1B The future site of Los Angeles is discovered by portuguese explorer Joao Rodrigues Cabrilho to sixteen century. Los Angeles town is created in seventeen eighty one as puebl...
Journal Woodstock en Anglais
Woodstock festival A unique festival, never to be seen again Let's go back 50 years to talk about one of the biggest music festivals in history. 3 days of pure music and peace, over an half million of attendees. The Woodstock Festival is just the symbol of the festival for a whole generation. In this article, we'll retrace its history, from its creation through the twists and turns that made it one of the world's most influential festivals, right up to its end. The Woodstoc...